Utility solvers and calculators for 3D hydrostatic ocean model
from .utility import *
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy
__all__ = [
class VerticalVelocitySolver(object):
Computes vertical velocity diagnostically from the continuity equation
Vertical velocity is obtained from the continuity equation
.. math::
\frac{\partial w}{\partial z} = -\nabla_h \cdot \textbf{u}
:label: continuity_eq_3d
and the bottom impermeability condition (:math:`h` denotes the bathymetry)
.. math::
\textbf{n}_h \cdot \textbf{u} + w n_z &= 0 \quad \forall \mathbf{x} \in \Gamma_{b} \\
\Leftrightarrow w &= -\nabla_h h \cdot \mathbf{u} \quad \forall \mathbf{x} \in \Gamma_{b}
:math:`w` can be solved with the weak form
.. math::
\int_{\Gamma_s} w n_z \varphi dS
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h} \text{avg}(w) \text{jump}(\varphi n_z) dS
- \int_{\Omega} w \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial z} dx
= \\
\int_{\Omega} \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla_h \varphi dx
- \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} \text{avg}(\mathbf{u}) \cdot \text{jump}(\varphi \mathbf{n}_h) dS
- \int_{\Gamma_s} \mathbf{u} \cdot \varphi \mathbf{n}_h dS
where the :math:`\Gamma_b` terms vanish due to the bottom impermeability
def __init__(self, solution, uv, bathymetry, boundary_funcs={},
:arg solution: w :class:`Function`
:arg uv: horizontal velocity :class:`Function`
:arg bathymetry: bathymetry :class:`Function`
:kwarg dict boundary_funcs: boundary conditions used in the 3D momentum
equation. Provides external values of uv (if any).
:kwarg dict solver_parameters: PETSc solver options
if solver_parameters is None:
solver_parameters = {}
solver_parameters.setdefault('snes_type', 'ksponly')
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_type', 'preonly')
solver_parameters.setdefault('pc_type', 'bjacobi')
solver_parameters.setdefault('sub_ksp_type', 'preonly')
solver_parameters.setdefault('sub_pc_type', 'ilu')
solver_parameters.setdefault('sub_pc_factor_shift_type', 'inblocks')
fs = solution.function_space()
mesh = fs.mesh()
test = TestFunction(fs)
tri = TrialFunction(fs)
normal = FacetNormal(mesh)
# define measures with a reasonable quadrature degree
p, q = fs.ufl_element().degree()
self.quad_degree = (2*p, 2*q)
self.dx = dx(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.dS_h = dS_h(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.dS_v = dS_v(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.ds_surf = ds_surf(degree=self.quad_degree)
# NOTE weak dw/dz
a = tri[2]*test[2]*normal[2]*ds_surf + \
avg(tri[2])*jump(test[2], normal[2])*dS_h - Dx(test[2], 2)*tri[2]*self.dx
# NOTE weak div(uv)
uv_star = avg(uv)
# NOTE in the case of mimetic uv the div must be taken over all components
l_v_facet = (uv_star[0]*jump(test[2], normal[0])
+ uv_star[1]*jump(test[2], normal[1])
+ uv_star[2]*jump(test[2], normal[2]))*self.dS_v
l_h_facet = (uv_star[0]*jump(test[2], normal[0])
+ uv_star[1]*jump(test[2], normal[1])
+ uv_star[2]*jump(test[2], normal[2]))*self.dS_h
l_surf = (uv[0]*normal[0]
+ uv[1]*normal[1] + uv[2]*normal[2])*test[2]*self.ds_surf
l_vol = inner(uv, nabla_grad(test[2]))*self.dx
l = l_vol - l_v_facet - l_h_facet - l_surf
for bnd_marker in sorted(mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers):
funcs = boundary_funcs.get(bnd_marker)
ds_bnd = ds_v(int(bnd_marker), degree=self.quad_degree)
if funcs is None:
# assume land boundary
# use symmetry condition
l += -(uv[0]*normal[0] + uv[1]*normal[1])*test[2]*ds_bnd
# NOTE For ALE mesh constant_jacobian should be False
# however the difference is very small as A is nearly independent of
# mesh stretching: only the normals vary in time
self.prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, solution,
self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(self.prob,
def solve(self):
"""Compute w"""
class VerticalIntegrator(object):
Computes vertical integral (or average) of a field.
def __init__(self, input, output, bottom_to_top=True,
bnd_value=Constant(0.0), average=False,
bathymetry=None, elevation=None, solver_parameters=None):
:arg input: 3D field to integrate
:arg output: 3D field where the integral is stored
:kwarg bottom_to_top: Defines the integration direction: If True integration is performed along the z axis, from bottom surface to top surface.
:kwarg bnd_value: Value of the integral at the bottom (top) boundary if bottom_to_top is True (False)
:kwarg average: If True computes the vertical average instead. Requires bathymetry and elevation fields
:kwarg bathymetry: 3D field defining the bathymetry
:kwarg elevation: 3D field defining the free surface elevation
:kwarg dict solver_parameters: PETSc solver options
self.output = output
space = output.function_space()
mesh = space.mesh()
e_continuity = element_continuity(space.ufl_element())
vertical_is_dg = e_continuity.vertical in ['dg', 'hdiv']
if solver_parameters is None:
solver_parameters = {}
solver_parameters.setdefault('snes_type', 'ksponly')
if e_continuity.vertical != 'hdiv':
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_type', 'preonly')
solver_parameters.setdefault('pc_type', 'bjacobi')
solver_parameters.setdefault('sub_ksp_type', 'preonly')
solver_parameters.setdefault('sub_pc_type', 'ilu')
tri = TrialFunction(space)
phi = TestFunction(space)
normal = FacetNormal(mesh)
# define measures with a reasonable quadrature degree
p, q = space.ufl_element().degree()
p_in, q_in = input.function_space().ufl_element().degree()
self.quad_degree = (p+p_in+1, q+q_in+1)
self.dx = dx(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.dS_h = dS_h(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.ds_surf = ds_surf(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.ds_bottom = ds_bottom(degree=self.quad_degree)
if bottom_to_top:
bnd_term = normal[2]*inner(bnd_value, phi)*self.ds_bottom
mass_bnd_term = normal[2]*inner(tri, phi)*self.ds_surf
bnd_term = normal[2]*inner(bnd_value, phi)*self.ds_surf
mass_bnd_term = normal[2]*inner(tri, phi)*self.ds_bottom
self.a = -inner(Dx(phi, 2), tri)*self.dx + mass_bnd_term
if bottom_to_top:
up_value = tri('+')
up_value = tri('-')
if vertical_is_dg:
if len(input.ufl_shape) > 0:
dim = input.ufl_shape[0]
for i in range(dim):
self.a += up_value[i]*jump(phi[i], normal[2])*self.dS_h
self.a += up_value*jump(phi, normal[2])*self.dS_h
if average:
source = input/(elevation + bathymetry)
source = input
self.l = inner(source, phi)*self.dx + bnd_term
self.prob = LinearVariationalProblem(self.a, self.l, output, constant_jacobian=average)
self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(self.prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
def solve(self):
Computes the integral and stores it in the output field.
class DensitySolver(object):
Computes density from salinity and temperature using the equation of state.
Water density is defined as
.. math::
\rho = \rho'(T, S, p) + \rho_0
This method computes the density anomaly :math:`\rho'`.
Density is computed point-wise assuming that temperature, salinity and
density are in the same function space.
def __init__(self, salinity, temperature, density, eos_class):
:arg salinity: water salinity field
:type salinity: :class:`Function`
:arg temperature: water temperature field
:type temperature: :class:`Function`
:arg density: water density field
:type density: :class:`Function`
:arg eos_class: equation of state that defines water density
:type eos_class: :class:`EquationOfState`
self.fs = density.function_space()
self.eos = eos_class
if isinstance(salinity, Function):
assert self.fs == salinity.function_space()
if isinstance(temperature, Function):
assert self.fs == temperature.function_space()
self.s = salinity
self.t = temperature
self.rho = density
def _get_array(self, function):
"""Returns numpy data array from a :class:`Function`"""
if isinstance(function, Function):
assert self.fs == function.function_space()
return function.dat.data[:]
if isinstance(function, Constant):
return float(function)
# assume that function is a float
return function
def solve(self):
"""Compute density"""
s = self._get_array(self.s)
th = self._get_array(self.t)
p = 0.0 # NOTE ignore pressure for now
rho0 = self._get_array(physical_constants['rho0'])
self.rho.dat.data[:] = self.eos.compute_rho(s, th, p, rho0)
class DensitySolverWeak(object):
Computes density from salinity and temperature using the equation of state.
Water density is defined as
.. math::
\rho = \rho'(T, S, p) + \rho_0
This method computes the density anomaly :math:`\rho'`.
Density is computed in a weak sense by projecting the analytical expression
on the density field.
def __init__(self, salinity, temperature, density, eos_class):
:arg salinity: water salinity field
:type salinity: :class:`Function`
:arg temperature: water temperature field
:type temperature: :class:`Function`
:arg density: water density field
:type density: :class:`Function`
:arg eos_class: equation of state that defines water density
:type eos_class: :class:`EquationOfState`
self.fs = density.function_space()
self.eos = eos_class
assert isinstance(salinity, (Function, Constant))
assert isinstance(temperature, (Function, Constant))
self.s = salinity
self.t = temperature
self.density = density
self.p = Constant(0.)
rho0 = physical_constants['rho0']
f = self.eos.eval(self.s, self.t, self.p, rho0)
self.projector = Projector(f, self.density)
def ensure_positive_salinity(self):
make sure salinity is not negative
some EOS depend on sqrt(salt).
# FIXME this is really hacky and modifies the state variable
# NOTE if salt field is P2 checking nodal values is not enough ..
ix = self.s.dat.data < 0
self.s.dat.data[ix] = 0.0
def solve(self):
"""Compute density"""
class VelocityMagnitudeSolver(object):
Computes magnitude of (u[0],u[1],w) and stores it in solution
def __init__(self, solution, u=None, w=None, min_val=1e-6,
:arg solution: scalar field for velocity magnitude scalar :class:`Function`
:type solution: :class:`Function`
:kwarg u: horizontal velocity
:type u: :class:`Function`
:kwarg w: vertical velocity
:type w: :class:`Function`
:kwarg float min_val: minimum value of magnitude. Minimum value of solution
will be clipped to this value
:kwarg dict solver_parameters: PETSc solver options
If ``u`` is None computes magnitude of (0,0,w).
If ``w`` is None computes magnitude of (u[0],u[1],0).
self.solution = solution
self.min_val = min_val
function_space = solution.function_space()
test = TestFunction(function_space)
tri = TrialFunction(function_space)
a = test*tri*dx
s = 0
if u is not None:
s += u[0]**2 + u[1]**2
if w is not None:
s += w**2
l = test*sqrt(s)*dx
self.prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, solution)
self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(self.prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
def solve(self):
"""Compute the magnitude"""
numpy.maximum(self.solution.dat.data, self.min_val, self.solution.dat.data)
class Mesh3DConsistencyCalculator(object):
Computes a hydrostatic consistency criterion metric on the 3D mesh.
Let :math:`\Delta x` and :math:`\Delta z` denote the horizontal and vertical
element sizes. The hydrostatic consistency criterion (HCC) can then be
expressed as
.. math::
R = \frac{|\nabla h| \Delta x}{\Delta z} < 1
where :math:`\nabla h` is the bathymetry gradient (or gradient of the
internal horizontal facet).
Violating the hydrostatic consistency criterion leads to internal pressure
gradient errors.
In practice one can violate the :math:`R < 1` condition without
jeopardizing numerical stability; typically :math:`R < 5`.
Mesh consistency can be improved by coarsening the vertical
mesh, refining the horizontal mesh, or smoothing the bathymetry.
For a 3D prism, let :math:`\delta z_t,\delta z_b` denote the maximal
:math:`z` coordinate difference in the surface and bottom facets,
respectively, and :math:`\Delta z` the height of the prism.
We can then compute :math:`R` for the two facets as
.. math::
R_t &= \frac{\delta z_t}{\Delta z} \\
R_b &= \frac{\delta z_b}{\Delta z}
For a straight prism we have :math:`R = 0`, and :math:`R = 1` in
the case where the highest bottom node is at the same level as the lowest
surface node.
def __init__(self, solver_obj):
:arg solver_obj: :class:`FlowSolver` object
self.solver_obj = solver_obj
self.output = self.solver_obj.fields.hcc_metric_3d
self.z_coord = solver_obj.fields.z_coord_3d
# create par loop for computing delta
self.fs_3d = self.solver_obj.function_spaces.P1DG
assert self.output.function_space() == self.fs_3d
nodes = get_facet_mask(self.fs_3d, 'bottom')
self.idx = op2.Global(len(nodes), nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='node_idx')
self.kernel = op2.Kernel("""
void my_kernel(double *output, double *z_field, int *idx) {
// compute max delta z on top and bottom facets
double z_top_max = -1e20;
double z_top_min = 1e20;
double z_bot_max = -1e20;
double z_bot_min = 1e20;
int i_top = 1;
int i_bot = 0;
for ( int d = 0; d < %(nodes)d; d++ ) {
double z_top = z_field[idx[d] + i_top];
double z_bot = z_field[idx[d] + i_bot];
z_top_max = fmax(z_top, z_top_max);
z_top_min = fmin(z_top, z_top_min);
z_bot_max = fmax(z_bot, z_bot_max);
z_bot_min = fmin(z_bot, z_bot_min);
double delta_z_top = z_top_max - z_top_min;
double delta_z_bot = z_bot_max - z_bot_min;
// compute R ratio
for ( int d = 0; d < %(nodes)d; d++ ) {
double z_top = z_field[idx[d] + i_top];
double z_bot = z_field[idx[d] + i_bot];
double h = z_top - z_bot;
output[idx[d] + i_top] = delta_z_top/h;
output[idx[d] + i_bot] = delta_z_bot/h;
}""" % {'nodes': len(nodes)},
def solve(self):
"""Compute the HCC metric"""
op2.par_loop(self.kernel, self.solver_obj.mesh.cell_set,
self.output.dat(op2.WRITE, self.output.function_space().cell_node_map()),
self.z_coord.dat(op2.READ, self.z_coord.function_space().cell_node_map()),
# compute global min/max
r_min = self.output.dat.data.min()
r_max = self.output.dat.data.max()
r_min = self.solver_obj.comm.allreduce(r_min, op=MPI.MIN)
r_max = self.solver_obj.comm.allreduce(r_max, op=MPI.MAX)
print_output('HCC: {:} .. {:}'.format(r_min, r_max))
class ExpandFunctionTo3d(object):
Copy a 2D field to 3D
Copies a field from 2D mesh to 3D mesh, assigning the same value over the
vertical dimension. Horizontal function spaces must be the same.
.. code-block:: python
U = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)
U_2d = FunctionSpace(mesh2d, 'DG', 1)
func2d = Function(U_2d)
func3d = Function(U)
ex = ExpandFunctionTo3d(func2d, func3d)
def __init__(self, input_2d, output_3d, elem_height=None):
:arg input_2d: 2D source field
:type input_2d: :class:`Function`
:arg output_3d: 3D target field
:type output_3d: :class:`Function`
:kwarg elem_height: scalar :class:`Function` in 3D mesh that defines
the vertical element size. Needed only in the case of HDiv function
self.input_2d = input_2d
self.output_3d = output_3d
self.fs_2d = self.input_2d.function_space()
self.fs_3d = self.output_3d.function_space()
family_2d = self.fs_2d.ufl_element().family()
base_element_3d = get_extruded_base_element(self.fs_3d.ufl_element())
assert isinstance(base_element_3d, firedrake.TensorProductElement)
family_3dh = base_element_3d.sub_elements[0].family()
if family_2d != family_3dh:
raise Exception('2D and 3D spaces do not match: {0:s} {1:s}'.format(family_2d, family_3dh))
self.do_hdiv_scaling = family_2d in ['Raviart-Thomas', 'RTCF', 'Brezzi-Douglas-Marini', 'BDMCF']
if self.do_hdiv_scaling and elem_height is None:
raise Exception('elem_height must be provided for HDiv spaces')
self.iter_domain = op2.ALL
# number of nodes in vertical direction
n_vert_nodes = self.fs_3d.finat_element.space_dimension() / self.fs_2d.finat_element.space_dimension()
nodes = get_facet_mask(self.fs_3d, 'bottom')
self.idx = op2.Global(len(nodes), nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='node_idx')
self.kernel = op2.Kernel("""
void my_kernel(double *func, double *func2d, int *idx) {
for ( int d = 0; d < %(nodes)d; d++ ) {
for ( int c = 0; c < %(func2d_dim)d; c++ ) {
for ( int e = 0; e < %(v_nodes)d; e++ ) {
func[%(func3d_dim)d*(idx[d]+e) + c] = func2d[%(func2d_dim)d*d + c];
}""" % {'nodes': self.fs_2d.finat_element.space_dimension(),
'func2d_dim': self.input_2d.function_space().value_size,
'func3d_dim': self.fs_3d.value_size,
'v_nodes': n_vert_nodes},
if self.do_hdiv_scaling:
solver_parameters = {}
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_atol', 1e-12)
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_rtol', 1e-16)
test = TestFunction(self.fs_3d)
tri = TrialFunction(self.fs_3d)
a = inner(tri, test)*dx
l = inner(self.output_3d, test)*elem_height*dx
prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, self.output_3d)
self.rt_scale_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
def solve(self):
with timed_stage('copy_2d_to_3d'):
# execute par loop
self.kernel, self.fs_3d.mesh().cell_set,
self.output_3d.dat(op2.WRITE, self.fs_3d.cell_node_map()),
self.input_2d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_2d.cell_node_map()),
if self.do_hdiv_scaling:
class ALEMeshUpdater(object):
Class that handles vertically moving ALE mesh
Mesh geometry is updated to match the elevation field
(``solver.fields.elev_2d``). First the discontinuous elevation field is
projected to continuous space, and this field is used to update the mesh
This class stores the reference coordinate field and keeps track of the
updated mesh coordinates. It also provides a method for computing the mesh
velocity from two adjacent elevation fields.
def __init__(self, solver):
:arg solver: :class:`FlowSolver` object
self.solver = solver
self.fields = solver.fields
if self.solver.options.use_ale_moving_mesh:
# continous elevation
self.elev_cg_2d = Function(self.solver.function_spaces.P1_2d,
name='elev cg 2d')
# w_mesh at surface
self.w_mesh_surf_2d = Function(
self.fields.bathymetry_2d.function_space(), name='w mesh surf 2d')
# elevation in coordinate space
self.proj_elev_to_cg_2d = Projector(self.fields.elev_2d,
self.proj_elev_cg_to_coords_2d = Projector(self.elev_cg_2d,
self.cp_v_elem_size_to_2d = SubFunctionExtractor(self.fields.v_elem_size_3d,
boundary='top', elem_facet='top')
self.fs_3d = self.fields.z_coord_ref_3d.function_space()
self.fs_2d = self.fields.elev_cg_2d.function_space()
family_2d = self.fs_2d.ufl_element().family()
base_element_3d = get_extruded_base_element(self.fs_3d.ufl_element())
assert isinstance(base_element_3d, firedrake.TensorProductElement)
family_3dh = base_element_3d.sub_elements[0].family()
if family_2d != family_3dh:
raise Exception('2D and 3D spaces do not match: "{0:s}" != "{1:s}"'.format(family_2d, family_3dh))
# number of nodes in vertical direction
n_vert_nodes = self.fs_3d.finat_element.space_dimension() / self.fs_2d.finat_element.space_dimension()
nodes = get_facet_mask(self.fs_3d, 'bottom')
self.idx = op2.Global(len(nodes), nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='node_idx')
self.kernel_z_coord = op2.Kernel("""
void my_kernel(double *z_coord_3d, double *z_ref_3d, double *elev_2d, double *bath_2d, int *idx) {
for ( int d = 0; d < %(nodes)d; d++ ) {
for ( int c = 0; c < %(func2d_dim)d; c++ ) {
for ( int e = 0; e < %(v_nodes)d; e++ ) {
double eta = elev_2d[%(func2d_dim)d*d + c];
double bath = bath_2d[%(func2d_dim)d*d + c];
double z_ref = z_ref_3d[%(func3d_dim)d*(idx[d]+e) + c];
double new_z = eta*(z_ref + bath)/bath + z_ref;
z_coord_3d[%(func3d_dim)d*(idx[d]+e) + c] = new_z;
}""" % {'nodes': self.fs_2d.finat_element.space_dimension(),
'func2d_dim': self.fs_2d.value_size,
'func3d_dim': self.fs_3d.value_size,
'v_nodes': n_vert_nodes},
self.kernel_w_mesh = op2.Kernel("""
void my_kernel(double *w_mesh_3d, double *z_ref_3d, double *w_mesh_surf_2d, double *bath_2d, int *idx) {
for ( int d = 0; d < %(nodes)d; d++ ) {
for ( int c = 0; c < %(func2d_dim)d; c++ ) {
for ( int e = 0; e < %(v_nodes)d; e++ ) {
double w_mesh_surf = w_mesh_surf_2d[%(func2d_dim)d*d + c];
double bath = bath_2d[%(func2d_dim)d*d + c];
double z_ref = z_ref_3d[%(func3d_dim)d*(idx[d]+e) + c];
double new_w = w_mesh_surf * (z_ref + bath)/bath;
w_mesh_3d[%(func3d_dim)d*(idx[d]+e) + c] = new_w;
}""" % {'nodes': self.fs_2d.finat_element.space_dimension(),
'func2d_dim': self.fs_2d.value_size,
'func3d_dim': self.fs_3d.value_size,
'v_nodes': n_vert_nodes},
def initialize(self):
"""Set values for initial mesh (elevation at rest)"""
def update_elem_height(self):
"""Updates vertical element size fields"""
compute_elem_height(self.fields.z_coord_3d, self.fields.v_elem_size_3d)
def compute_mesh_velocity_begin(self):
"""Stores the current 2D elevation state as the "old" field"""
assert self.solver.options.use_ale_moving_mesh
def compute_mesh_velocity_finalize(self, c=1.0, w_mesh_surf_expr=None):
Computes mesh velocity from the elevation difference
Stores the current 2D elevation state as the "new" field,
and computes w_mesh using the given time step factor ``c``.
assert self.solver.options.use_ale_moving_mesh
# compute w_mesh at surface
if w_mesh_surf_expr is None:
# default formulation
# w_mesh_surf = (elev_new - elev_old)/dt/c
self.w_mesh_surf_2d += -self.fields.elev_cg_2d
self.w_mesh_surf_2d *= -1.0/self.solver.dt/c
# user-defined formulation
self.kernel_w_mesh, self.fs_3d.mesh().cell_set,
self.fields.w_mesh_3d.dat(op2.WRITE, self.fs_3d.cell_node_map()),
self.fields.z_coord_ref_3d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_3d.cell_node_map()),
self.w_mesh_surf_2d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_2d.cell_node_map()),
self.fields.bathymetry_2d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_2d.cell_node_map()),
def update_mesh_coordinates(self):
Updates 3D mesh coordinates to match current elev_2d field
elev_2d is first projected to continous space
assert self.solver.options.use_ale_moving_mesh
# compute new z coordinates -> self.fields.z_coord_3d
self.kernel_z_coord, self.fs_3d.mesh().cell_set,
self.fields.z_coord_3d.dat(op2.WRITE, self.fs_3d.cell_node_map()),
self.fields.z_coord_ref_3d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_3d.cell_node_map()),
self.fields.elev_cg_2d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_2d.cell_node_map()),
self.fields.bathymetry_2d.dat(op2.READ, self.fs_2d.cell_node_map()),
self.solver.mesh.coordinates.dat.data[:, 2] = self.fields.z_coord_3d.dat.data[:]
class SmagorinskyViscosity(object):
Computes Smagorinsky subgrid scale horizontal viscosity
This formulation is according to Ilicak et al. (2012) and
Griffies and Hallberg (2000).
.. math::
\nu = (C_s \Delta x)^2 |S|
with the deformation rate
.. math::
|S| &= \sqrt{D_T^2 + D_S^2} \\
D_T &= \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial v}{\partial y} \\
D_S &= \frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}
:math:`\Delta x` is the horizontal element size and :math:`C_s` is the
Smagorinsky coefficient.
To match a certain mesh Reynolds number :math:`Re_h` set
:math:`C_s = 1/\sqrt{Re_h}`.
Ilicak et al. (2012). Spurious dianeutral mixing and the role of
momentum closure. Ocean Modelling, 45-46(0):37-58.
Griffies and Hallberg (2000). Biharmonic friction with a
Smagorinsky-like viscosity for use in large-scale eddy-permitting
ocean models. Monthly Weather Review, 128(8):2935-2946.
def __init__(self, uv, output, c_s, h_elem_size, max_val, min_val=1e-10,
weak_form=True, solver_parameters=None):
:arg uv_3d: horizontal velocity
:type uv_3d: 3D vector :class:`Function`
:arg output: Smagorinsky viscosity field
:type output: 3D scalar :class:`Function`
:arg c_s: Smagorinsky coefficient
:type c_s: float or :class:`Constant`
:arg h_elem_size: field that defines the horizontal element size
:type h_elem_size: 3D scalar :class:`Function` or :class:`Constant`
:arg float max_val: Maximum allowed viscosity. Viscosity will be clipped at
this value.
:kwarg float min_val: Minimum allowed viscosity. Viscosity will be clipped at
this value.
:kwarg bool weak_form: Compute velocity shear by integrating by parts.
Necessary for some function spaces (e.g. P0).
:kwarg dict solver_parameters: PETSc solver options
if solver_parameters is None:
solver_parameters = {}
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_atol', 1e-12)
solver_parameters.setdefault('ksp_rtol', 1e-16)
assert max_val.function_space() == output.function_space(), \
'max_val function must belong to the same space as output'
self.max_val = max_val
self.min_val = min_val
self.output = output
self.weak_form = weak_form
if self.weak_form:
# solve grad(u) weakly
mesh = output.function_space().mesh()
fs_grad = get_functionspace(mesh, 'DP', 1, 'DP', 1, vector=True, dim=4)
self.grad = Function(fs_grad, name='uv_grad')
tri_grad = TrialFunction(fs_grad)
test_grad = TestFunction(fs_grad)
normal = FacetNormal(mesh)
a = inner(tri_grad, test_grad)*dx
rhs_terms = []
for iuv in range(2):
for ix in range(2):
i = 2*iuv + ix
vol_term = -inner(Dx(test_grad[i], ix), uv[iuv])*dx
int_term = inner(avg(uv[iuv]), jump(test_grad[i], normal[ix]))*dS_v
ext_term = inner(uv[iuv], test_grad[i]*normal[ix])*ds_v
rhs_terms.extend([vol_term, int_term, ext_term])
l = sum(rhs_terms)
prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, self.grad)
self.weak_grad_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
# rate of strain tensor
d_t = self.grad[0] - self.grad[3]
d_s = self.grad[1] + self.grad[2]
# rate of strain tensor
d_t = Dx(uv[0], 0) - Dx(uv[1], 1)
d_s = Dx(uv[0], 1) + Dx(uv[1], 0)
fs = output.function_space()
tri = TrialFunction(fs)
test = TestFunction(fs)
nu = c_s**2*h_elem_size**2 * sqrt(d_t**2 + d_s**2)
a = test*tri*dx
l = test*nu*dx
self.prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, output)
self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(self.prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
def solve(self):
"""Compute viscosity"""
if self.weak_form:
# remove negative values
ix = self.output.dat.data < self.min_val
self.output.dat.data[ix] = self.min_val
# crop too large values
ix = self.output.dat.data > self.max_val.dat.data
self.output.dat.data[ix] = self.max_val.dat.data[ix]
class EquationOfState(ABC):
Base class of all equation of state objects
def compute_rho(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
Compute sea water density.
:arg s: Salinity expressed on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978
:type s: float or numpy.array
:arg th: Potential temperature in Celsius, referenced to pressure
p_r = 0 dbar.
:type th: float or numpy.array
:arg p: Pressure in decibars (1 dbar = 1e4 Pa)
:type p: float or numpy.array
:kwarg float rho0: Optional reference density. If provided computes
:math:`\rho' = \rho(S, Th, p) - \rho_0`
:return: water density
:rtype: float or numpy.array
All pressures are gauge pressures: they are the absolute pressures minus standard atmosperic
pressure 10.1325 dbar.
def eval(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
Compute sea water density.
class JackettEquationOfState(EquationOfState):
Equation of State according of Jackett et al. (2006) for computing sea
water density.
.. math ::
\rho = \rho'(T, S, p) + \rho_0
:label: equation_of_state
:math:`\rho'(T, S, p)` is a nonlinear rational function.
Jackett et al. (2006). Algorithms for Density, Potential Temperature,
Conservative Temperature, and the Freezing Temperature of Seawater.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(12):1709-1728.
a = numpy.array([9.9984085444849347e2, 7.3471625860981584e0, -5.3211231792841769e-2,
3.6492439109814549e-4, 2.5880571023991390e0, -6.7168282786692355e-3,
1.9203202055760151e-3, 1.1798263740430364e-2, 9.8920219266399117e-8,
4.6996642771754730e-6, -2.5862187075154352e-8, -3.2921414007960662e-12])
b = numpy.array([1.0, 7.2815210113327091e-3, -4.4787265461983921e-5, 3.3851002965802430e-7,
1.3651202389758572e-10, 1.7632126669040377e-3, -8.8066583251206474e-6,
-1.8832689434804897e-10, 5.7463776745432097e-6, 1.4716275472242334e-9,
6.7103246285651894e-6, -2.4461698007024582e-17, -9.1534417604289062e-18])
def compute_rho(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
Compute sea water density.
:arg s: Salinity expressed on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978
:type s: float or numpy.array
:arg th: Potential temperature in Celsius, referenced to pressure
p_r = 0 dbar.
:type th: float or numpy.array
:arg p: Pressure in decibars (1 dbar = 1e4 Pa)
:type p: float or numpy.array
:kwarg float rho0: Optional reference density. If provided computes
:math:`\rho' = \rho(S, Th, p) - \rho_0`
:return: water density
:rtype: float or numpy.array
All pressures are gauge pressures: they are the absolute pressures minus standard atmosperic
pressure 10.1325 dbar.
s_pos = numpy.maximum(s, 0.0) # ensure salinity is positive
return self.eval(s_pos, th, p, rho0)
def eval(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
a = self.a
b = self.b
pn = (a[0] + th*a[1] + th*th*a[2] + th*th*th*a[3] + s*a[4]
+ th*s*a[5] + s*s*a[6] + p*a[7] + p*th * th*a[8] + p*s*a[9]
+ p*p*a[10] + p*p*th*th * a[11])
pd = (b[0] + th*b[1] + th*th*b[2] + th*th*th*b[3]
+ th*th*th*th*b[4] + s*b[5] + s*th*b[6] + s*th*th*th*b[7]
+ pow(s, 1.5)*b[8] + pow(s, 1.5)*th*th*b[9] + p*b[10]
+ p*p*th*th*th*b[11] + p*p*p*th*b[12])
rho = pn/pd - rho0
return rho
class LinearEquationOfState(EquationOfState):
Linear Equation of State for computing sea water density
.. math::
\rho = \rho_{ref} - \alpha (T - T_{ref}) + \beta (S - S_{ref})
def __init__(self, rho_ref, alpha, beta, th_ref, s_ref):
:arg float rho_ref: reference density
:arg float alpha: thermal expansion coefficient
:arg float beta: haline contraction coefficient
:arg float th_ref: reference temperature
:arg float s_ref: reference salinity
self.rho_ref = rho_ref
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.th_ref = th_ref
self.S_ref = s_ref
def compute_rho(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
Compute sea water density.
:arg s: Salinity expressed on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978
:type s: float or numpy.array
:arg th: Potential temperature in Celsius
:type th: float or numpy.array
:arg p: Pressure in decibars (1 dbar = 1e4 Pa)
:type p: float or numpy.array
:kwarg float rho0: Optional reference density. If provided computes
:math:`\rho' = \rho(S, Th, p) - \rho_0`
:return: water density
:rtype: float or numpy.array
Pressure is ingored in this equation of state.
rho = (self.rho_ref - rho0
- self.alpha*(th - self.th_ref)
+ self.beta*(s - self.S_ref))
return rho
def eval(self, s, th, p, rho0=0.0):
return self.compute_rho(s, th, p, rho0)
def get_horizontal_elem_size_3d(sol2d, sol3d):
Computes horizontal element size from the 2D mesh, then copies it on a 3D
:arg sol2d: 2D :class:`Function` for the element size field
:arg sol3d: 3D :class:`Function` for the element size field
ExpandFunctionTo3d(sol2d, sol3d).solve()