Implements turbulence closure model stability functions.
.. math::
S_m &= S_m(\alpha_M, \alpha_N) \\
S_\rho &= S_\rho(\alpha_M, \alpha_N)
where :math:`\alpha_M, \alpha_N` are the normalized shear and buoyancy frequency
.. math::
\alpha_M &= \frac{k^2}{\varepsilon^2} M^2 \\
\alpha_N &= \frac{k^2}{\varepsilon^2} N^2
The following stability functions have been implemented
- Canuto A
- Canuto B
- Kantha-Clayson
- Cheng
Umlauf, L. and Burchard, H. (2005). Second-order turbulence closure models
for geophysical boundary layers. A review of recent work. Continental Shelf
Research, 25(7-8):795--827. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2004.08.004
Burchard, H. and Bolding, K. (2001). Comparative Analysis of Four
Second-Moment Turbulence Closure Models for the Oceanic Mixed Layer. Journal of
Physical Oceanography, 31(8):1943--1968.
Umlauf, L. and Burchard, H. (2003). A generic length-scale equation for
geophysical turbulence models. Journal of Marine Research, 61:235--265(31).
import numpy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .log import print_output
__all__ = [
def compute_normalized_frequencies(shear2, buoy2, k, eps, verbose=False):
Computes normalized buoyancy and shear frequency squared.
.. math::
\alpha_M &= \frac{k^2}{\varepsilon^2} M^2 \\
\alpha_N &= \frac{k^2}{\varepsilon^2} N^2
From Burchard and Bolding (2001).
:arg shear2: :math:`M^2`
:arg buoy2: :math:`N^2`
:arg k: turbulent kinetic energy
:arg eps: TKE dissipation rate
alpha_buoy = k**2/eps**2*buoy2
alpha_shear = k**2/eps**2*shear2
if verbose:
print_output('{:8s} {:8.3e} {:8.3e}'.format('M2', shear2.min(), shear2.max()))
print_output('{:8s} {:8.3e} {:8.3e}'.format('N2', buoy2.min(), buoy2.max()))
print_output('{:8s} {:10.3e} {:10.3e}'.format('a_buoy', alpha_buoy.min(), alpha_buoy.max()))
print_output('{:8s} {:10.3e} {:10.3e}'.format('a_shear', alpha_shear.min(), alpha_shear.max()))
return alpha_buoy, alpha_shear
class StabilityFunctionBase(ABC):
Base class for all stability functions
def name(self):
def __init__(self, lim_alpha_shear=True, lim_alpha_buoy=True,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim=True, alpha_buoy_crit=-1.2):
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_shear: limit maximum :math:`\alpha_M` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005) eq. 44)
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_buoy: limit minimum (negative) :math:`\alpha_N` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005))
:kwarg bool smooth_alpha_buoy_lim: if :math:`\alpha_N` is limited, apply a
smooth limiter (see Burchard and Bolding (2001) eq. 19). Otherwise
:math:`\alpha_N` is clipped at minimum value.
:kwarg float alpha_buoy_crit: parameter for :math:`\alpha_N` smooth limiter
self.lim_alpha_shear = lim_alpha_shear
self.lim_alpha_buoy = lim_alpha_buoy
self.smooth_alpha_buoy_lim = smooth_alpha_buoy_lim
self.alpha_buoy_crit = alpha_buoy_crit
# for plotting and such
self.description = []
if self.lim_alpha_shear:
self.description += ['lim', 'shear']
if self.lim_alpha_buoy:
self.description += ['lim', 'alpha']
if self.smooth_alpha_buoy_lim:
self.description += ['smooth']
self.description += ['ac'+str(self.alpha_buoy_crit)]
self.description = ' '.join(self.description)
# denominator
self.d0 = 1.0
self.d1 = 1.0
self.d2 = 1.0
self.d3 = 1.0
self.d4 = 1.0
self.d5 = 1.0
# c_mu
self.n0 = 0.0
self.n1 = 0.0
self.n2 = 0.0
# c_mu_p
self.nb0 = 0.0
self.nb1 = 0.0
self.nb2 = 0.0
def compute_alpha_shear_steady(self, ri_st, analytical=True):
Compute the steady-state :math:`\alpha_M`.
Under steady-state conditions, the stability functions satisfy:
.. math::
S_m \alpha_M - S_\rho \alpha_M Ri_{st} = 1.0
(Umlauf and Buchard, 2005, eq A.15) from which :math:`\alpha_M` can be
solved for given gradient Richardson number :math:`Ri_{st}`.
:arg float ri_st: Gradient Richardson number
:kwarg bool analytical: If True (default), solve analytically using the
coefficients of the stability function. Otherwise, solve
:math:`\alpha_M` numerically from the equilibrium condition.
if not analytical:
# A) solve numerically
# use equilibrium equation (Umlauf and Buchard, 2005, eq A.15)
# s_m*a_shear - s_h*a_shear*ri_st = 1.0
# to solve a_shear at equilibrium
# NOTE may fail/return incorrect solution for ri_st < -4
def cost(a_shear):
a_buoy = ri_st*a_shear
s_m, s_h = self.eval_funcs(a_buoy, a_shear)
res = s_m*a_shear - s_h*a_buoy - 1.0
return res**2
p = minimize(cost, 1.0)
assert p.success, 'solving alpha_shear failed, Ri_st={:}'.format(ri_st)
a_shear = p.x[0]
# B) solve analytically
# compute alpha_shear for equilibrium condition (Umlauf and Buchard, 2005, eq A.19)
# aM^2 (-d5 + n2 - (d3 - n1 + nb2 )Ri - (d4 + nb1)Ri^2) + aM (-d2 + n0 - (d1 + nb0)Ri) - d0 = 0
# NOTE this is more robust method
a = -self.d5 + self.n2 - (self.d3 - self.n1 + self.nb2)*ri_st - (self.d4 + self.nb1)*ri_st**2
b = -self.d2 + self.n0 - (self.d1 + self.nb0)*ri_st
c = -self.d0
a_shear = (-b + numpy.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/2/a
return a_shear
def compute_c3_minus(self, c1, c2, ri_st):
Compute c3_minus parameter from c1 and c2 parameters.
c3_minus is solved from equation
.. math::
Ri_{st} = \frac{s_m}{s_h} \frac{c2 - c1}{c2 - c3_{-}}
where :math:`Ri_{st}` is the steady state gradient Richardson number.
(see Burchard and Bolding, 2001, eq 32)
a_shear = self.compute_alpha_shear_steady(ri_st, analytical=False)
# compute aN from Ri_st and aM, Ri_st = aN/aM
a_buoy = ri_st*a_shear
# evaluate stability functions for equilibrium conditions
s_m, s_h = self.eval_funcs(a_buoy, a_shear)
# compute c3 minus from Umlauf and Burchard (2005)
c3_minus = c2 - (c2 - c1)*s_m/s_h/ri_st
# check error in ri_st
err = s_m/s_h*(c2 - c1)/(c2 - c3_minus) - ri_st
assert numpy.abs(err) < 1e-5, 'steady state gradient Richardson number does not match'
return c3_minus
def compute_cmu0(self, analytical=True):
Compute parameter :math:`c_\mu^0`
See: Umlauf and Buchard (2005) eq A.22
:kwarg bool analytical: If True (default), solve analytically using the
coefficients of the stability function. Otherwise, solve
:math:`\alpha_M` numerically from the equilibrium condition.
a_buoy = 0.0
if analytical:
a = self.d5 - self.n2
b = self.d2 - self.n0
c = self.d0
a_shear = (-b - numpy.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/2/a
s_m, s_h = self.eval_funcs(a_buoy, a_shear)
cm0 = s_m**0.25
def cost(a_shear):
s_m, s_h = self.eval_funcs(a_buoy, a_shear)
res = s_m*a_shear - 1.0
return res**2
p = minimize(cost, 1.0)
assert p.success, 'solving alpha_shear failed'
a_shear = p.x[0]
s_m, s_h = self.eval_funcs(a_buoy, a_shear)
cm0 = s_m**0.25
return cm0
def compute_kappa(self, sigma_psi, cmu0, n, c1, c2):
Computes von Karman constant from the Psi Schmidt number.
See: Umlauf and Burchard (2003) eq (14)
:arg sigma_psi: Psi Schmidt number
:arg cmu0, n, c1, c2: GLS model parameters
return cmu0 / numpy.abs(n) * numpy.sqrt(sigma_psi * (c2 - c1))
def compute_sigma_psi(self, kappa, cmu0, n, c1, c2):
Computes the Psi Schmidt number from von Karman constant.
See: Umlauf and Burchard (2003) eq (14)
:arg kappa: von Karman constant
:arg cmu0, n, c1, c2: GLS model parameters
return (n * kappa)**2 / (cmu0**2 * (c2 - c1))
def compute_length_clim(self, cmu0, ri_st):
Computes the Galpering length scale limit.
:arg cmu0: parameter :math:`c_\mu^0`
:arg ri_st: gradient Richardson number
a_shear = self.compute_alpha_shear_steady(ri_st)
# compute aN from Ri_st and aM, Ri_st = aN/aM
a_buoy = ri_st*a_shear
clim = cmu0**3.0 * numpy.sqrt(a_buoy/2)
return clim
def get_alpha_buoy_min(self):
Compute minimum normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
See: Umlauf and Buchard (2005), Table 3
# G = epsilon case, this is used in GOTM
an_min = 0.5*(numpy.sqrt((self.d1 + self.nb0)**2. - 4.*self.d0*(self.d4 + self.nb1)) - (self.d1 + self.nb0))/(self.d4 + self.nb1)
# eq. (47)
# an_min = self.alpha_buoy_min
return an_min
def get_alpha_shear_max(self, alpha_buoy, alpha_shear):
Compute maximum normalized shear frequency :math:`\alpha_M`
from Umlauf and Buchard (2005) eq (44)
:arg alpha_buoy: normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
:arg alpha_shear: normalized shear frequency :math:`\alpha_M`
as_max_n = (self.d0*self.n0
+ (self.d0*self.n1 + self.d1*self.n0)*alpha_buoy
+ (self.d1*self.n1 + self.d4*self.n0)*alpha_buoy**2
+ self.d4*self.n1*alpha_buoy**3)
as_max_d = (self.d2*self.n0
+ (self.d2*self.n1 + self.d3*self.n0)*alpha_buoy
+ self.d3*self.n1*alpha_buoy**2)
return as_max_n/as_max_d
def get_alpha_buoy_smooth_min(self, alpha_buoy):
Compute smoothed minimum for normalized buoyancy frequency
See: Burchard and Petersen (1999), eq (19)
:arg alpha_buoy: normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
return alpha_buoy - (alpha_buoy - self.alpha_buoy_crit)**2/(alpha_buoy + self.get_alpha_buoy_min() - 2*self.alpha_buoy_crit)
def eval_funcs(self, alpha_buoy, alpha_shear):
Evaluate (unlimited) stability functions
See: Burchard and Petersen (1999) eqns (30) and (31)
:arg alpha_buoy: normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
:arg alpha_shear: normalized shear frequency :math:`\alpha_M`
:returns: :math:`S_m`, :math:`S_\rho`
den = self.d0 + self.d1*alpha_buoy + self.d2*alpha_shear + self.d3*alpha_buoy*alpha_shear + self.d4*alpha_buoy**2 + self.d5*alpha_shear**2
c_mu = (self.n0 + self.n1*alpha_buoy + self.n2*alpha_shear) / den
c_mu_p = (self.nb0 + self.nb1*alpha_buoy + self.nb2*alpha_shear) / den
return c_mu, c_mu_p
def evaluate(self, shear2, buoy2, k, eps):
Evaluate stability functions from dimensional variables.
Applies limiters on :math:`\alpha_N` and :math:`\alpha_M`.
:arg shear2: shear frequency squared, :math:`M^2`
:arg buoy2: buoyancy frequency squared,:math:`N^2`
:arg k: turbulent kinetic energy, :math:`k`
:arg eps: TKE dissipation rate, :math:`\varepsilon`
alpha_buoy, alpha_shear = compute_normalized_frequencies(shear2, buoy2, k, eps)
if self.lim_alpha_buoy:
# limit min (negative) alpha_buoy (Umlauf and Burchard, 2005)
if not self.smooth_alpha_buoy_lim:
# crop at minimum value
numpy.maximum(alpha_buoy, self.get_alpha_buoy_min(), alpha_buoy)
# do smooth limiting instead (Buchard and Petersen, 1999, eq 19)
ab_smooth_min = self.get_alpha_buoy_smooth_min(alpha_buoy)
# NOTE this must be applied to values alpha_buoy < ab_crit only!
ix = alpha_buoy < self.alpha_buoy_crit
alpha_buoy[ix] = ab_smooth_min[ix]
if self.lim_alpha_shear:
# limit max alpha_shear (Umlauf and Burchard, 2005, eq 44)
as_max = self.get_alpha_shear_max(alpha_buoy, alpha_shear)
numpy.minimum(alpha_shear, as_max, alpha_shear)
return self.eval_funcs(alpha_buoy, alpha_shear)
class GOTMStabilityFunctionBase(StabilityFunctionBase, ABC):
Base class for stability functions defined in Umlauf and Buchard (2005)
def cc1(self):
def cc2(self):
def cc3(self):
def cc4(self):
def cc5(self):
def cc6(self):
def cb1(self):
def cb2(self):
def cb3(self):
def cb4(self):
def cb5(self):
def cbb(self):
def __init__(self, lim_alpha_shear=True, lim_alpha_buoy=True,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim=True, alpha_buoy_crit=-1.2):
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_shear: limit maximum :math:`\alpha_M` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005) eq. 44)
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_buoy: limit minimum (negative) :math:`\alpha_N` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005))
:kwarg bool smooth_alpha_buoy_lim: if :math:`\alpha_N` is limited, apply a
smooth limiter (see Burchard and Bolding (2001) eq. 19). Otherwise
:math:`\alpha_N` is clipped at minimum value.
:kwarg float alpha_buoy_crit: parameter for :math:`\alpha_N` smooth limiter
super().__init__(lim_alpha_shear, lim_alpha_buoy,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim, alpha_buoy_crit)
# Umlauf and Buchard (2005) eq A.10
self.a1 = 2.0/3.0 - 0.5*self.cc2
self.a2 = 1.0 - 0.5*self.cc3
self.a3 = 1.0 - 0.5*self.cc4
self.a4 = 0.5*self.cc5
self.a5 = 0.5 - 0.5*self.cc6
self.ab1 = 1.0 - self.cb2
self.ab2 = 1.0 - self.cb3
self.ab3 = 2.0*(1.0 - self.cb4)
self.ab4 = 2.0*(1.0 - self.cb5)
self.ab5 = 2.0*self.cbb*(1.0 - self.cb5)
# Umlauf and Buchard (2005) eq A.12
self.nn = 0.5*self.cc1
self.nb = self.cb1
# Umlauf and Buchard (2005) eq A.9
self.d0 = 36.0*self.nn**3*self.nb**2
self.d1 = 84.0*self.a5*self.ab3*self.nn**2*self.nb + 36.0*self.ab5*self.nn**3*self.nb
self.d2 = 9.0*(self.ab2**2 - self.ab1**2)*self.nn**3 - 12.0*(self.a2**2 - 3.0*self.a3**2)*self.nn*self.nb**2
self.d3 = 12.0*self.a5*self.ab3*(self.a2*self.ab1 - 3.0*self.a3*self.ab2)*self.nn +\
12.0*self.a5*self.ab3*(self.a3**2 - self.a2**2)*self.nb +\
12.0*self.ab5*(3.0*self.a3**2 - self.a2**2)*self.nn*self.nb
self.d4 = 48.0*self.a5**2*self.ab3**2*self.nn + 36.0*self.a5*self.ab3*self.ab5*self.nn**2
self.d5 = 3.0*(self.a2**2 - 3.0*self.a3**2)*(self.ab1**2 - self.ab2**2)*self.nn
self.n0 = 36.0*self.a1*self.nn**2*self.nb**2
self.n1 = -12.0*self.a5*self.ab3*(self.ab1 + self.ab2)*self.nn**2 +\
8.0*self.a5*self.ab3*(6.0*self.a1 - self.a2 - 3.0*self.a3)*self.nn*self.nb +\
self.n2 = 9.0*self.a1*(self.ab2**2 - self.ab1**2)*self.nn**2
self.nb0 = 12.0*self.ab3*self.nn**3*self.nb
self.nb1 = 12.0*self.a5*self.ab3**2*self.nn**2
self.nb2 = 9.0*self.a1*self.ab3*(self.ab1 - self.ab2)*self.nn**2 +\
(6.0*self.a1*(self.a2 - 3.0*self.a3) - 4.0*(self.a2**2 - 3.0*self.a3**2))*self.ab3*self.nn*self.nb
class CanutoStabilityFunctionBase(StabilityFunctionBase, ABC):
Base class for original Canuto stability function.
def l1(self):
def l2(self):
def l3(self):
def l4(self):
def l5(self):
def l6(self):
def l7(self):
def l8(self):
def __init__(self, lim_alpha_shear=True, lim_alpha_buoy=True,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim=True, alpha_buoy_crit=-1.2):
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_shear: limit maximum :math:`\alpha_M` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005) eq. 44)
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_buoy: limit minimum (negative) :math:`\alpha_N` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005))
:kwarg bool smooth_alpha_buoy_lim: if :math:`\alpha_N` is limited, apply a
smooth limiter (see Burchard and Bolding (2001) eq. 19). Otherwise
:math:`\alpha_N` is clipped at minimum value.
:kwarg float alpha_buoy_crit: parameter for :math:`\alpha_N` smooth limiter
super().__init__(lim_alpha_shear, lim_alpha_buoy,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim, alpha_buoy_crit)
self.s0 = 1.5*self.l1*self.l5**2
self.s1 = -self.l4*(self.l6 + self.l7) + 2*self.l4*self.l5*(self.l1 - self.l2/3.0 - self.l3) + 1.5*self.l1*self.l5*self.l8
self.s2 = -3.0/8*self.l1*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
self.s4 = 2*self.l5
self.s5 = 2*self.l4
self.s6 = 2.0/3*self.l5*(3*self.l3**2 - self.l2**2) - 0.5*self.l5*self.l1*(3*self.l3 - self.l2) + 0.75*self.l1*(self.l6 - self.l7)
self.dd0 = 3*self.l5**2
self.dd1 = self.l5*(7*self.l4 + 3*self.l8)
self.dd2 = self.l5**2*(3*self.l3**2 - self.l2**2) - 0.75*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
self.dd3 = self.l4*(4*self.l4 + 3*self.l8)
self.dd5 = 0.25*(self.l2**2 - 3*self.l3**2)*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
self.dd4 = self.l4*(self.l2*self.l6 - 3*self.l3*self.l7 - self.l5*(self.l2**2 - self.l3**2)) + self.l5*self.l8*(3*self.l3**2 - self.l2**2)
# unit conversion
self.alpha_scalar = 4
self.cu_scalar = 2
self.d0 = self.dd0
self.d1 = self.alpha_scalar*self.dd1
self.d2 = self.alpha_scalar*self.dd2
self.d3 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd4
self.d4 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd3
self.d5 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd5
self.n0 = self.cu_scalar*self.s0
self.n1 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s1
self.n2 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s2
self.nb0 = self.cu_scalar*self.s4
self.nb1 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s5
self.nb2 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s6
def eval_funcs_new(self, alpha_buoy, alpha_shear):
Evaluate (unlimited) stability functions
From Canuto et al (2001)
:arg alpha_buoy: normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
:arg alpha_shear: normalized shear frequency :math:`\alpha_M`
tN2 = self.alpha_scalar*alpha_buoy
tS2 = self.alpha_scalar*alpha_shear
dsm = self.s0 + self.s1*tN2 + self.s2*tS2
dsh = self.s4 + self.s5*tN2 + self.s6*tS2
den = self.dd0 + self.dd1*tN2 + self.dd2*tS2 + self.dd3*tN2**2 + self.dd4*tN2*tS2 + self.dd5*tS2**2
sm = self.cu_scalar*dsm/den
sh = self.cu_scalar*dsh/den
return sm, sh
class ChengStabilityFunctionBase(StabilityFunctionBase):
Base class for original Cheng stability function.
def l1(self):
def l2(self):
def l3(self):
def l4(self):
def l5(self):
def l6(self):
def l7(self):
def l8(self):
def __init__(self, lim_alpha_shear=True, lim_alpha_buoy=True,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim=True, alpha_buoy_crit=-1.2):
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_shear: limit maximum :math:`\alpha_M` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005) eq. 44)
:kwarg bool lim_alpha_buoy: limit minimum (negative) :math:`\alpha_N` values
(see Umlauf and Burchard (2005))
:kwarg bool smooth_alpha_buoy_lim: if :math:`\alpha_N` is limited, apply a
smooth limiter (see Burchard and Bolding (2001) eq. 19). Otherwise
:math:`\alpha_N` is clipped at minimum value.
:kwarg float alpha_buoy_crit: parameter for :math:`\alpha_N` smooth limiter
super().__init__(lim_alpha_shear, lim_alpha_buoy,
smooth_alpha_buoy_lim, alpha_buoy_crit)
self.s0 = 0.5*self.l1
self.s1 = -1.0/3*self.l4*self.l5**-2*(self.l6 + self.l7) + 2.0/3*self.l4/self.l5*(self.l1 - 1.0/3*self.l2 - self.l3) + 0.5*self.l1/self.l5*self.l8
self.s2 = 1.0/8*self.l1*self.l5**-2*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
self.s4 = 2.0/3/self.l5
self.s5 = 2.0/3*self.l4*self.l5**-2
self.s6 = 2.0/3/self.l5*(self.l3**2 - 1.0/3*self.l2**2) - 0.5*self.l1/self.l5*(self.l3 - 1.0/3*self.l2)
self.dd0 = 1
self.dd1 = (7.0/3*self.l4 + self.l8)/self.l5
self.dd2 = (self.l3**2 - 1.0/3*self.l2**2) - 0.25*self.l5**-2*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
self.dd3 = 1.0/3*self.l4*self.l5**-2*(4*self.l4 + 3*self.l8)
self.dd4 = 1.0/3*self.l4*self.l5**-2*(self.l2*self.l6 - 3*self.l3*self.l7 - self.l5*(self.l2**2 - self.l3**2)) + self.l8*(self.l3**2 - 1.0/3*self.l2**2)/self.l5
self.dd5 = -1.0/4*self.l5**-2*(self.l3**2 - 1.0/3*self.l2**2)*(self.l6**2 - self.l7**2)
# unit conversion
self.alpha_scalar = 4
self.cu_scalar = 2
self.d0 = self.dd0
self.d1 = self.alpha_scalar*self.dd1
self.d2 = self.alpha_scalar*self.dd2
self.d3 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd4
self.d4 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd3
self.d5 = self.alpha_scalar**2*self.dd5
self.n0 = self.cu_scalar*self.s0
self.n1 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s1
self.n2 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s2
self.nb0 = self.cu_scalar*self.s4
self.nb1 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s5
self.nb2 = self.cu_scalar*self.alpha_scalar*self.s6
def eval_funcs_new(self, alpha_buoy, alpha_shear):
Evaluate (unlimited) stability functions
From Canuto et al (2001)
:arg alpha_buoy: normalized buoyancy frequency :math:`\alpha_N`
:arg alpha_shear: normalized shear frequency :math:`\alpha_M`
tN2 = self.alpha_scalar*alpha_buoy
tS2 = self.alpha_scalar*alpha_shear
dsm = self.s0 + self.s1*tN2 + self.s2*tS2
dsh = self.s4 + self.s5*tN2 + self.s6*tS2
den = self.dd0 + self.dd1*tN2 + self.dd2*tS2 + self.dd3*tN2**2 + self.dd4*tN2*tS2 + self.dd5*tS2**2
sm = self.cu_scalar*dsm/den
sh = self.cu_scalar*dsh/den
return sm, sh
class StabilityFunctionCanutoA(CanutoStabilityFunctionBase):
Canuto A stability function as defined in the Canuto (2001) paper.
l1 = 0.107
l2 = 0.0032
l3 = 0.0864
l4 = 0.12
l5 = 11.9
l6 = 0.4
l7 = 0
l8 = 0.48
name = 'Canuto A'
class StabilityFunctionCanutoB(CanutoStabilityFunctionBase):
Canuto B stability function as defined in the Canuto (2001) paper.
l1 = 0.127
l2 = 0.00336
l3 = 0.0906
l4 = 0.101
l5 = 11.2
l6 = 0.4
l7 = 0
l8 = 0.318
name = 'Canuto B'
class StabilityFunctionCheng(ChengStabilityFunctionBase):
Cheng stability function as defined in the Cheng et al (2002) paper.
l1 = 0.107
l2 = 0.0032
l3 = 0.0864
l4 = 0.1
l5 = 11.04
l6 = 0.786
l7 = 0.643
l8 = 0.547
name = 'Cheng'
class GOTMStabilityFunctionCanutoA(GOTMStabilityFunctionBase):
Canuto et al. (2001) version A stability functions
Parameters are from Umlauf and Buchard (2005), Table 1
cc1 = 5.0000
cc2 = 0.8000
cc3 = 1.9680
cc4 = 1.1360
cc5 = 0.0000
cc6 = 0.4000
cb1 = 5.9500
cb2 = 0.6000
cb3 = 1.0000
cb4 = 0.0000
cb5 = 0.3333
cbb = 0.7200
name = 'Canuto A'
class GOTMStabilityFunctionCanutoB(GOTMStabilityFunctionBase):
Canuto et al. (2001) version B stability functions
Parameters are from Umlauf and Buchard (2005), Table 1
cc1 = 5.0000
cc2 = 0.6983
cc3 = 1.9664
cc4 = 1.0940
cc5 = 0.0000
cc6 = 0.4950
cb1 = 5.6000
cb2 = 0.6000
cb3 = 1.0000
cb4 = 0.0000
cb5 = 0.3333
cbb = 0.4770
name = 'Canuto B'
class GOTMStabilityFunctionKanthaClayson(GOTMStabilityFunctionBase):
Kantha and Clayson (1994) quasi-equilibrium stability functions
Parameters are from Umlauf and Buchard (2005), Table 1
cc1 = 6.0000
cc2 = 0.3200
cc3 = 0.0000
cc4 = 0.0000
cc5 = 0.0000
cc6 = 0.0000
cb1 = 3.7280
cb2 = 0.7000
cb3 = 0.7000
cb4 = 0.0000
cb5 = 0.2000
cbb = 0.6102
name = 'Kantha Clayson'
class GOTMStabilityFunctionCheng(GOTMStabilityFunctionBase):
Cheng et al. (2002) quasi-equilibrium stability functions
Parameters are from Umlauf and Buchard (2005), Table 1
cc1 = 5.0000
cc2 = 0.7983
cc3 = 1.9680
cc4 = 1.1360
cc5 = 0.0000
cc6 = 0.5000
cb1 = 5.5200
cb2 = 0.2134
cb3 = 0.3570
cb4 = 0.0000
cb5 = 0.3333
cbb = 0.8200
name = 'Cheng'