Source code for thetis.sediment_model

from .utility import *
from .log import warning

[docs] class CorrectiveVelocityFactor: def __init__(self, depth, ksp, settling_velocity, ustar, a): """ Set up advective velocity factor `self.velocity_correction_factor` which accounts for mismatch between depth-averaged product of velocity with sediment and product of depth-averaged velocity with depth-averaged sediment. :arg depth: Depth of fluid :type depth: :class:`Function` :arg ksp: Grain roughness coefficient :type ksp: :class:`Constant` :arg settling_velocity: Settling velocity of the sediment particles :type settling_velocity: :class:`Constant` :arg ustar: Shear velocity :type ustar: :class:`Expression of functions` :arg a: Factor of bottom bed reference height :type a: :class:`Constant` """ kappa = physical_constants['von_karman'] # correction factor to advection velocity in sediment concentration equation Bconv = conditional(depth > Constant(1.1)*ksp, ksp/depth, Constant(1/1.1)) Aconv = conditional(depth > Constant(1.1)*a, a/depth, Constant(1/1.1)) # take max of value calculated either by ksp or depth Amax = conditional(Aconv > Bconv, Aconv, Bconv) r1conv = Constant(1) - (1/kappa)*conditional(settling_velocity/ustar < Constant(1), settling_velocity/ustar, Constant(1)) Ione = conditional(r1conv > Constant(1e-8), (Constant(1) - Amax**r1conv)/r1conv, conditional(r1conv < Constant(- 1e-8), (Constant(1) - Amax**r1conv)/r1conv, ln(Amax))) Itwo = conditional(r1conv > Constant(1e-8), -(Ione + (ln(Amax)*(Amax**r1conv)))/r1conv, conditional(r1conv < Constant(- 1e-8), -(Ione + (ln(Amax)*(Amax**r1conv)))/r1conv, Constant(-0.5)*ln(Amax)**2)) self.alpha = -(Itwo - (ln(Amax) - ln(30))*Ione)/(Ione * ((ln(Amax) - ln(30)) + Constant(1))) # final correction factor self.velocity_correction_factor = Function(depth.function_space(), name='velocity correction factor') self.velocity_correction_factor_expr = max_value(min_value(self.alpha, Constant(1)), Constant(0.)) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """ Update `self.velocity_correction_factor` using the updated values for velocity """ # final correction factor self.velocity_correction_factor.interpolate(self.velocity_correction_factor_expr)
[docs] class SedimentModel(object): def __init__(self, options, mesh2d, uv, elev, depth): """ Set up a full morphological model simulation based on provided velocity and elevation functions. :arg options: Model options. :type options: :class:`.ModelOptions2d` instance :arg mesh2d: :class:`Mesh` object of the 2D mesh :arg uv: the velocity solution during the simulation :type uv: :class:`Function` :arg elev: the elevation solution during the simulation :type elev: :class:`Function` :arg depth: a :class:`DepthExpression` instance to evaluate the current depth The :class:`.SedimentModel` provides various expressions to be used in a suspended sediment and/or the Exner equation. NOTE that the functions used in these expressions need to be updated with the current values of the uv and elev fields by calling :func:`.SedimentModel.update`. This is not done in the initialisation of the sediment model, so that the :class:`.SedimentModel` can be created before initial conditions have been assigned to uv and elev. After the initial conditions have been assigned a call to update is required to ensure that the initial values are reflected in the :class:`.SedimentModel` terms. """ self.uv = uv self.elev = elev self.depth = depth self.options = options self.solve_suspended_sediment = options.sediment_model_options.solve_suspended_sediment self.use_bedload = options.sediment_model_options.use_bedload self.use_sediment_slide = options.sediment_model_options.use_sediment_slide self.use_angle_correction = options.sediment_model_options.use_angle_correction self.use_slope_mag_correction = options.sediment_model_options.use_slope_mag_correction self.use_advective_velocity_correction = options.sediment_model_options.use_advective_velocity_correction self.use_secondary_current = options.sediment_model_options.use_secondary_current self.mesh2d = mesh2d if not self.use_bedload: if self.use_angle_correction: warning('Slope effect angle correction only applies to bedload transport which is not used in this simulation') if self.use_slope_mag_correction: warning('Slope effect magnitude correction only applies to bedload transport which is not used in this simulation') if self.use_secondary_current: warning('Secondary current only applies to bedload transport which is not used in this simulation') self.average_size = options.sediment_model_options.average_sediment_size self.bed_reference_height = options.sediment_model_options.bed_reference_height self.rhos = options.sediment_model_options.sediment_density # define function spaces self.P1DG_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, "DG", 1) self.P1_2d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, "CG", 1) self.R_1d = get_functionspace(mesh2d, "R", 0) self.P1v_2d = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh2d, "CG", 1) self.n = FacetNormal(mesh2d) # define parameters self.g = physical_constants['g_grav'] self.rhow = physical_constants['rho0'] kappa = physical_constants['von_karman'] ksp = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(3*self.average_size) self.a = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.bed_reference_height/2) if self.options.sediment_model_options.morphological_viscosity is None: self.viscosity = self.options.horizontal_viscosity else: self.viscosity = self.options.sediment_model_options.morphological_viscosity # magnitude slope effect parameter self.beta = self.options.sediment_model_options.slope_effect_parameter # angle correction slope effect parameters self.surbeta2 = self.options.sediment_model_options.slope_effect_angle_parameter # secondary current parameter self.alpha_secc = self.options.sediment_model_options.secondary_current_parameter # calculate critical shields parameter thetacr self.R = self.rhos/self.rhow - Constant(1) self.dstar = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.average_size*((self.g*self.R)/(self.viscosity**2))**(1/3)) if float(max([:])) < 1: raise ValueError('dstar value less than 1') self.thetacr = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(conditional(self.dstar < 4, 0.24*(self.dstar**(-1)), conditional(self.dstar < 10, 0.14*(self.dstar**(-0.64)), conditional(self.dstar < 20, 0.04*(self.dstar**(-0.1)), conditional(self.dstar < 150, 0.013*(self.dstar**(0.29)), 0.055))))) # critical bed shear stress self.taucr = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate((self.rhos-self.rhow)*self.g*self.average_size*self.thetacr) # calculate settling velocity self.settling_velocity = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(conditional(self.average_size <= 1e-04, self.g*(self.average_size**2)*self.R/(18*self.viscosity), conditional(self.average_size <= 1e-03, (10*self.viscosity/self.average_size) * (sqrt(1 + 0.01*((self.R*self.g*(self.average_size**3)) / (self.viscosity**2)))-1), 1.1*sqrt(self.g*self.average_size*self.R)))) # first step: project velocity to CG self.uv_cg = Function(self.P1v_2d).project(self.uv) self.old_bathymetry_2d = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.depth.bathymetry_2d) self.depth_tot = Function(self.P1_2d).project(self.depth.get_total_depth(self.elev)) self.u = self.uv_cg[0] self.v = self.uv_cg[1] # define bed friction hc = conditional(self.depth_tot > Constant(0.001), self.depth_tot, Constant(0.001)) aux = conditional(11.036*hc/self.bed_reference_height > Constant(1.001), 11.036*hc/self.bed_reference_height, Constant(1.001)) self.qfc = Constant(2)/(ln(aux)/kappa)**2 # skin friction coefficient cfactor = conditional(self.depth_tot > ksp, Constant(2) * (((1/kappa)*ln(11.036*self.depth_tot/ksp))**(-2)), Constant(0.0)) # mu - ratio between skin friction and normal friction = conditional(self.qfc > Constant(0), cfactor/self.qfc, Constant(0)) # calculate bed shear stress self.unorm = (self.u**2) + (self.v**2) self.bed_stress = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm) if self.solve_suspended_sediment: # deposition flux - calculating coefficient to account for stronger conc at bed self.B = conditional(self.a > self.depth_tot, Constant(1.0), self.a/self.depth_tot) ustar = sqrt(Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm) self.rouse_number = (self.settling_velocity/(kappa*ustar)) - Constant(1) self.intermediate_step = conditional(abs(self.rouse_number) > Constant(1e-04), self.B*(Constant(1)-self.B**min_value(self.rouse_number, Constant(3)))/min_value(self.rouse_number, Constant(3)), -self.B*ln(self.B)) self.integrated_rouse = max_value(conditional(self.intermediate_step > Constant(1e-12), Constant(1)/self.intermediate_step, Constant(1e12)), Constant(1)) # erosion flux - above critical velocity bed is eroded self.transport_stage_param = conditional(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm* > Constant(0), (self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm* - self.taucr)/self.taucr, Constant(-1)) self.erosion_concentration = Function(self.P1DG_2d).project(Constant(0.015)*(self.average_size/self.a) * ((max_value(self.transport_stage_param, Constant(0)))**1.5) / (self.dstar**0.3)) if self.use_advective_velocity_correction: self.correction_factor_model = CorrectiveVelocityFactor(self.depth_tot, ksp, self.settling_velocity, ustar, self.a) self.velocity_correction_factor = self.correction_factor_model.velocity_correction_factor self.equilibrium_tracer = Function(self.P1DG_2d).interpolate(self.erosion_concentration/self.integrated_rouse) # get individual terms self._deposition = self.settling_velocity*self.integrated_rouse self._erosion = self.settling_velocity*self.erosion_concentration if self.use_bedload: # calculate angle of flow self.calfa = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.uv_cg[0]/sqrt(self.unorm)) self.salfa = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate(self.uv_cg[1]/sqrt(self.unorm)) if self.use_angle_correction: # slope effect angle correction due to gravity self.stress = Function(self.P1DG_2d).interpolate(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm)
[docs] def get_bedload_term(self, bathymetry): """ Returns expression for bedload transport :math:`(qbx, qby)` to be used in the Exner equation. Note bathymetry is the function which is solved for in the exner equation. :arg bathymetry: Bathymetry of the domain. Bathymetry stands for the bedlevel (positive downwards). """ # define bed gradient dzdx = self.old_bathymetry_2d.dx(0) dzdy = self.old_bathymetry_2d.dx(1) if self.use_slope_mag_correction: # slope effect magnitude correction due to gravity where beta is a parameter normally set to 1.3 # we use z_n1 and equals so that we can use an implicit method in Exner slopecoef = Constant(1) + self.beta*(bathymetry.dx(0)*self.calfa + bathymetry.dx(1)*self.salfa) else: slopecoef = Constant(1.0) if self.use_angle_correction: # slope effect angle correction due to gravity cparam = Function(self.P1_2d).interpolate((self.rhos-self.rhow)*self.g*self.average_size*(self.surbeta2**2)) tt1 = conditional(self.stress > Constant(1e-10), sqrt(cparam/self.stress), sqrt(cparam/Constant(1e-10))) # add on a factor of the bed gradient to the normal aa = self.salfa + tt1*dzdy bb = self.calfa + tt1*dzdx comb = sqrt(aa**2 + bb**2) angle_norm = conditional(comb > Constant(1e-10), comb, Constant(1e-10)) # we use z_n1 and equals so that we can use an implicit method in Exner calfamod = (self.calfa + (tt1*bathymetry.dx(0)))/angle_norm salfamod = (self.salfa + (tt1*bathymetry.dx(1)))/angle_norm if self.use_secondary_current: # accounts for helical flow effect in a curver channel # use z_n1 and equals so can use an implicit method in Exner free_surface_dx = self.depth_tot.dx(0) - bathymetry.dx(0) free_surface_dy = self.depth_tot.dx(1) - bathymetry.dx(1) velocity_slide = (self.u*free_surface_dy)-(self.v*free_surface_dx) tandelta_factor = Constant(7)*self.g*self.rhow*self.depth_tot*self.qfc\ / (Constant(2)*self.alpha_secc*((self.u**2) + (self.v**2))) # accounts for helical flow effect in a curver channel if self.use_angle_correction: # if angle has already been corrected we must alter the corrected angle to obtain the corrected secondary current angle t_1 = (self.bed_stress*slopecoef*calfamod) + (self.v*tandelta_factor*velocity_slide) t_2 = (self.bed_stress*slopecoef*salfamod) - (self.u*tandelta_factor*velocity_slide) else: t_1 = (self.bed_stress*slopecoef*self.calfa) + (self.v*tandelta_factor*velocity_slide) t_2 = ((self.bed_stress*slopecoef*self.salfa) - (self.u*tandelta_factor*velocity_slide)) # calculated to normalise the new angles t4 = sqrt((t_1**2) + (t_2**2)) # updated magnitude correction and angle corrections slopecoef_secc = t4/self.bed_stress calfanew = t_1/t4 salfanew = t_2/t4 # implement meyer-peter-muller bedload transport formula thetaprime =*(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm)/((self.rhos-self.rhow)*self.g*self.average_size) # if velocity above a certain critical value then transport occurs phi = conditional(thetaprime < self.thetacr, Constant(0), Constant(8)*(thetaprime-self.thetacr)**1.5) # bedload transport flux with magnitude correction if self.use_secondary_current: qb_total = slopecoef_secc*phi*sqrt(self.g*self.R*self.average_size**3) else: qb_total = slopecoef*phi*sqrt(self.g*self.R*self.average_size**3) # formulate bedload transport flux with correct angle depending on corrections implemented if self.use_angle_correction and self.use_secondary_current is False: qbx = qb_total*calfamod qby = qb_total*salfamod elif self.use_secondary_current: qbx = qb_total*calfanew qby = qb_total*salfanew else: qbx = qb_total*self.calfa qby = qb_total*self.salfa return qbx, qby
[docs] def get_sediment_slide_term(self, bathymetry): # add component to bedload transport to ensure the slope angle does not exceed a certain value # maximum gradient allowed by sediment slide mechanism self.tanphi = tan(self.options.sediment_model_options.max_angle*pi/180) # approximate mesh step size for sediment slide mechanism L = self.options.sediment_model_options.sed_slide_length_scale degree_h = self.P1_2d.ufl_element().degree() if degree_h == 0: self.sigma = 1.5 / CellSize(self.mesh2d) else: self.sigma = 5.0*degree_h*(degree_h + 1)/CellSize(self.mesh2d) # define bed gradient x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh2d) if self.options.sediment_model_options.slide_region is not None: dzdx = self.options.sediment_model_options.slide_region*bathymetry.dx(0) dzdy = self.options.sediment_model_options.slide_region*bathymetry.dx(1) else: dzdx = bathymetry.dx(0) dzdy = bathymetry.dx(1) # calculate normal to the bed nz = 1/sqrt(1 + (dzdx**2 + dzdy**2)) self.betaangle = asin(sqrt(1 - (nz**2))) self.tanbeta = sqrt(1 - (nz**2))/nz morfac = self.options.sediment_model_options.morphological_acceleration_factor # calculating magnitude of added component qaval = conditional(self.tanbeta - self.tanphi > 0, (1-self.options.sediment_model_options.porosity) * 0.5*(L**2)*(self.tanbeta - self.tanphi)/(cos(self.betaangle*self.options.timestep * morfac)), 0) # multiplying by direction alphaconst = conditional(sqrt(1 - (nz**2)) > 0, - qaval*(nz**2)/sqrt(1 - (nz**2)), 0) diff_tensor = as_matrix([[alphaconst, 0, ], [0, alphaconst, ]]) return diff_tensor
[docs] def get_deposition_coefficient(self): """Returns coefficient :math:`C` such that :math:`C/H*sediment` is deposition term in sediment equation If sediment field is depth-averaged, :math:`C*sediment` is (total) deposition (over the column) as it appears in the Exner equation, but deposition term in sediment equation needs averaging: :math:`C*sediment/H` If sediment field is depth-integrated, :math:`C*sediment/H` is (total) deposition (over the column) as it appears in the Exner equation, and is the same in the sediment equation.""" return self._deposition
[docs] def get_erosion_term(self): """Returns expression for (depth-integrated) erosion.""" return self._erosion
[docs] def get_equilibrium_tracer(self): """Returns expression for (depth-averaged) equilibrium tracer.""" return self.equilibrium_tracer
[docs] def get_advective_velocity_correction_factor(self): """Returns correction factor for the advective velocity in the sediment equations With :attr:`.SedimentModelOptions.use_advective_velocity_correction`, this applies a correction to the supplied velocity solution `uv` to take into account the mismatch between depth-averaged product of velocity with sediment and product of depth-averaged velocity with depth-averaged sediment. """ if self.use_advective_velocity_correction: return self.velocity_correction_factor else: return 1
[docs] def update(self): """Update all functions used by :class:`.SedimentModel` This repeats all projection and interpolations steps based on the current values of the `uv` and `elev` functions, provided in __init__.""" self.uv_cg.project(self.uv) self.old_bathymetry_2d.interpolate(self.depth.bathymetry_2d) self.depth_tot.project(self.depth.get_total_depth(self.elev)) self.bed_stress.interpolate(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm) if self.solve_suspended_sediment: self.erosion_concentration.project(Constant(0.015)*(self.average_size/self.a) * ((max_value(self.transport_stage_param, Constant(0)))**1.5) / (self.dstar**0.3)) self.equilibrium_tracer.interpolate(self.erosion_concentration/self.integrated_rouse) if self.use_bedload: # calculate angle of flow self.calfa.interpolate(self.uv_cg[0]/sqrt(self.unorm)) self.salfa.interpolate(self.uv_cg[1]/sqrt(self.unorm)) if self.use_angle_correction: # slope effect angle correction due to gravity self.stress.interpolate(self.rhow*Constant(0.5)*self.qfc*self.unorm) if self.use_advective_velocity_correction: self.correction_factor_model.update()