3D momentum equation for hydrostatic Boussinesq flow.
The three dimensional momentum equation reads
.. math::
\frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial t}
+ \nabla_h \cdot (\textbf{u} \textbf{u})
+ \frac{\partial \left(w\textbf{u} \right)}{\partial z}
+ f\textbf{e}_z\wedge\textbf{u} + g\nabla_h \eta + g\nabla_h r
= \nabla_h \cdot \left( \nu_h \nabla_h \textbf{u} \right)
+ \frac{\partial }{\partial z}\left( \nu \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\right)
:label: mom_eq
where :math:`\textbf{u}` and :math:`w` denote horizontal and vertical velocity,
:math:`\nabla_h` is the horizontal gradient,
:math:`\wedge` denotes the cross product,
:math:`g` is the gravitational acceleration, :math:`f` is the Coriolis
frequency, :math:`\textbf{e}_z` is a vertical unit vector, and
:math:`\nu_h, \nu` stand for horizontal and vertical viscosity.
Water density is given by :math:`\rho = \rho'(T, S, p) + \rho_0`,
where :math:`\rho_0` is a constant reference density.
Above :math:`r` denotes the baroclinic head
.. math::
r = \frac{1}{\rho_0} \int_{z}^\eta \rho' d\zeta.
:label: baroc_head
The internal pressure gradient is computed as a separate diagnostic field:
.. math::
\mathbf{F}_{pg} = g\nabla_h r.
:label: int_pg_eq
In the case of purely barotropic problems the :math:`r` and
:math:`\mathbf{F}_{pg}` fields are omitted.
When using mode splitting we split the velocity field into a depth average and
a deviation, :math:`\textbf{u} = \bar{\textbf{u}} + \textbf{u}'`.
Following Higdon and de Szoeke (1997) we write an equation for the deviation
.. math::
\frac{\partial \textbf{u}'}{\partial t} =
+ \nabla_h \cdot (\textbf{u} \textbf{u})
+ \frac{\partial \left(w\textbf{u} \right)}{\partial z}
+ f\textbf{e}_z\wedge\textbf{u}' + g\nabla_h r
= \nabla_h \cdot \left( \nu_h \nabla_h \textbf{u} \right)
+ \frac{\partial }{\partial z}\left( \nu \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\right)
:label: mom_eq_split
In :eq:`mom_eq_split` the external pressure gradient :math:`g\nabla_h \eta` vanishes and the
Coriolis term only contains the deviation :math:`\textbf{u}'`.
Advection and diffusion terms are not changed.
Higdon and de Szoeke (1997). Barotropic-Baroclinic Time Splitting for Ocean
Circulation Modeling. Journal of Computational Physics, 135(1):30-53.
from .utility import *
from .equation import Term, Equation
__all__ = [
g_grav = physical_constants['g_grav']
rho_0 = physical_constants['rho0']
class MomentumTerm(Term):
Generic term for momentum equation that provides commonly used members and
mapping for boundary functions.
def __init__(self, function_space,
bathymetry=None, v_elem_size=None, h_elem_size=None,
use_nonlinear_equations=True, use_lax_friedrichs=True,
use_bottom_friction=False, sipg_factor=Constant(1.0),
:arg function_space: :class:`FunctionSpace` where the solution belongs
:kwarg bathymetry: bathymetry of the domain
:type bathymetry: 3D :class:`Function` or :class:`Constant`
:kwarg v_elem_size: scalar :class:`Function` that defines the vertical
element size
:kwarg h_elem_size: scalar :class:`Function` that defines the horizontal
element size
:kwarg bool use_nonlinear_equations: If False defines the linear shallow water equations
:kwarg bool use_bottom_friction: If True includes bottom friction term
:kwarg sipg_factor: :class: `Constant` or :class: `Function` horizontal SIPG penalty scaling factor
:kwarg sipg_factor_vertical: :class: `Constant` or :class: `Function` vertical SIPG penalty scaling factor
super(MomentumTerm, self).__init__(function_space)
self.bathymetry = bathymetry
self.h_elem_size = h_elem_size
self.v_elem_size = v_elem_size
continuity = element_continuity(self.function_space.ufl_element())
self.horizontal_continuity = continuity.horizontal
self.vertical_continuity = continuity.vertical
self.use_nonlinear_equations = use_nonlinear_equations
self.use_lax_friedrichs = use_lax_friedrichs
self.use_bottom_friction = use_bottom_friction
self.sipg_factor = sipg_factor
self.sipg_factor_vertical = sipg_factor_vertical
# define measures with a reasonable quadrature degree
p, q = self.function_space.ufl_element().degree()
self.quad_degree = (2*p + 1, 2*q + 1)
self.dx = dx(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.dS_h = dS_h(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.dS_v = dS_v(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.ds_surf = ds_surf(degree=self.quad_degree)
self.ds_bottom = ds_bottom(degree=self.quad_degree)
# TODO add generic get_bnd_functions?
class PressureGradientTerm(MomentumTerm):
Internal pressure gradient term, :math:`g\nabla_h r`
where :math:`r` is the baroclinic head :eq:`baroc_head`. Let :math:`s`
denote :math:`r/H`. We can then write
.. math::
F_{IPG} = g\nabla_h((s -\bar{s}) H)
+ g\nabla_h\left(\frac{1}{H}\right) H^2\bar{s}
+ g s_{bot}\nabla_h h
where :math:`\bar{s},s_{bot}` are the depth average and bottom value of
If :math:`s` belongs to a discontinuous function space, the first term is
integrated by parts. Its weak form reads
.. math::
\int_\Omega g\nabla_h((s -\bar{s}) H) \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
= - \int_\Omega g (s -\bar{s}) H \nabla_h \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} g (s -\bar{s}) H \boldsymbol{\psi} \cdot \textbf{n}_h dx
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
int_pg = fields.get('int_pg')
if int_pg is None:
return 0
f = (int_pg[0]*self.test[0] + int_pg[1]*self.test[1])*self.dx
return -f
class HorizontalAdvectionTerm(MomentumTerm):
Horizontal advection term, :math:`\nabla_h \cdot (\textbf{u} \textbf{u})`
The weak form reads
.. math::
\int_\Omega \nabla_h \cdot (\textbf{u} \textbf{u}) \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
= - \int_\Omega \nabla_h \boldsymbol{\psi} : (\textbf{u} \textbf{u}) dx
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} \textbf{u}^{\text{up}} \cdot
\text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} \textbf{n}_h) \cdot \text{avg}(\textbf{u}) dS
where the right hand side has been integrated by parts; :math:`:` stand for
the Frobenius inner product, :math:`\textbf{n}_h` is the horizontal
projection of the normal vector, :math:`\textbf{u}^{\text{up}}` is the
upwind value, and :math:`\text{jump}` and :math:`\text{avg}` denote the
jump and average operators across the interface.
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
if not self.use_nonlinear_equations:
return 0
lax_friedrichs_factor = fields_old.get('lax_friedrichs_velocity_scaling_factor')
uv_depth_av = fields_old.get('uv_depth_av')
if uv_depth_av is not None:
uv = solution + uv_depth_av
uv_old = solution_old + uv_depth_av
uv = solution
uv_old = solution_old
f = -(Dx(self.test[0], 0)*uv[0]*uv_old[0]
+ Dx(self.test[0], 1)*uv[0]*uv_old[1]
+ Dx(self.test[1], 0)*uv[1]*uv_old[0]
+ Dx(self.test[1], 1)*uv[1]*uv_old[1])*self.dx
uv_av = avg(uv_old)
un_av = (uv_av[0]*self.normal('-')[0]
+ uv_av[1]*self.normal('-')[1])
s = 0.5*(sign(un_av) + 1.0)
uv_up = uv('-')*s + uv('+')*(1-s)
if self.horizontal_continuity in ['dg', 'hdiv']:
f += (uv_up[0]*uv_av[0]*jump(self.test[0], self.normal[0])
+ uv_up[0]*uv_av[1]*jump(self.test[0], self.normal[1])
+ uv_up[1]*uv_av[0]*jump(self.test[1], self.normal[0])
+ uv_up[1]*uv_av[1]*jump(self.test[1], self.normal[1]))*(self.dS_v + self.dS_h)
# Lax-Friedrichs stabilization
if self.use_lax_friedrichs:
gamma = 0.5*abs(un_av)*lax_friedrichs_factor
f += gamma*(jump(self.test[0])*jump(uv[0])
+ jump(self.test[1])*jump(uv[1]))*(self.dS_v + self.dS_h)
for bnd_marker in self.boundary_markers:
funcs = bnd_conditions.get(bnd_marker)
ds_bnd = ds_v(int(bnd_marker), degree=self.quad_degree)
if funcs is None:
un = dot(uv, self.normal)
uv_ext = uv - 2*un*self.normal
if self.use_lax_friedrichs:
gamma = 0.5*abs(un)*lax_friedrichs_factor
f += gamma*(self.test[0]*(uv[0] - uv_ext[0])
+ self.test[1]*(uv[1] - uv_ext[1]))*ds_bnd
uv_in = uv
if 'symm' in funcs:
# use internal normal velocity
# NOTE should this be symmetric normal velocity?
uv_ext = uv_in
elif 'uv' in funcs:
# prescribe external velocity
uv_ext = funcs['uv']
un_ext = dot(uv_ext, self.normal)
elif 'un' in funcs:
# prescribe normal velocity
un_ext = funcs['un']
uv_ext = self.normal*un_ext
elif 'flux' in funcs:
# prescribe normal volume flux
sect_len = Constant(self.boundary_len[bnd_marker])
eta = fields_old['eta']
total_h = self.bathymetry + eta
un_ext = funcs['flux'] / total_h / sect_len
uv_ext = self.normal*un_ext
raise Exception('Unsupported bnd type: {:}'.format(funcs.keys()))
if self.use_nonlinear_equations:
# add interior flux
f += (uv_in[0]*self.test[0]*self.normal[0]*uv_in[0]
+ uv_in[0]*self.test[0]*self.normal[1]*uv_in[1]
+ uv_in[1]*self.test[1]*self.normal[0]*uv_in[0]
+ uv_in[1]*self.test[1]*self.normal[1]*uv_in[1])*ds_bnd
# add boundary contribution if inflow
uv_av = 0.5*(uv_in + uv_ext)
un_av = uv_av[0]*self.normal[0] + uv_av[1]*self.normal[1]
s = 0.5*(sign(un_av) + 1.0)
f += (1-s)*((uv_ext - uv_in)[0]*self.test[0]*self.normal[0]*uv_av[0]
+ (uv_ext - uv_in)[0]*self.test[0]*self.normal[1]*uv_av[1]
+ (uv_ext - uv_in)[1]*self.test[1]*self.normal[0]*uv_av[0]
+ (uv_ext - uv_in)[1]*self.test[1]*self.normal[1]*uv_av[1])*ds_bnd
# surf/bottom boundary conditions: closed at bed, symmetric at surf
f += (uv_old[0]*uv[0]*self.test[0]*self.normal[0]
+ uv_old[0]*uv[1]*self.test[0]*self.normal[1]
+ uv_old[1]*uv[0]*self.test[1]*self.normal[0]
+ uv_old[1]*uv[1]*self.test[1]*self.normal[1])*(self.ds_surf)
return -f
class VerticalAdvectionTerm(MomentumTerm):
Vertical advection term, :math:`\partial \left(w\textbf{u} \right)/(\partial z)`
The weak form reads
.. math::
\int_\Omega \frac{\partial \left(w\textbf{u} \right)}{\partial z} \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
= - \int_\Omega \left( w \textbf{u} \right) \cdot \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{\psi}}{\partial z} dx
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_{h}} \textbf{u}^{\text{up}} \cdot \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} n_z) \text{avg}(w) dS
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
w = fields_old.get('w')
w_mesh = fields_old.get('w_mesh')
lax_friedrichs_factor = fields_old.get('lax_friedrichs_velocity_scaling_factor')
if w is None or not self.use_nonlinear_equations:
return 0
f = 0
uv_depth_av = fields_old.get('uv_depth_av')
if uv_depth_av is not None:
uv = solution + uv_depth_av
uv = solution
vertvelo = w[2]
if w_mesh is not None:
vertvelo = w[2]-w_mesh
adv_v = -(Dx(self.test[0], 2)*uv[0]*vertvelo
+ Dx(self.test[1], 2)*uv[1]*vertvelo)
f += adv_v * self.dx
if self.vertical_continuity in ['dg', 'hdiv']:
w_av = avg(vertvelo)
s = 0.5*(sign(w_av*self.normal[2]('-')) + 1.0)
uv_up = uv('-')*s + uv('+')*(1-s)
f += (uv_up[0]*w_av*jump(self.test[0], self.normal[2])
+ uv_up[1]*w_av*jump(self.test[1], self.normal[2]))*self.dS_h
if self.use_lax_friedrichs:
# Lax-Friedrichs
gamma = 0.5*abs(w_av*self.normal('-')[2])*lax_friedrichs_factor
f += gamma*(jump(self.test[0])*jump(uv[0])
+ jump(self.test[1])*jump(uv[1]))*self.dS_h
f += (uv[0]*vertvelo*self.test[0]*self.normal[2]
+ uv[1]*vertvelo*self.test[1]*self.normal[2])*(self.ds_surf)
# NOTE bottom impermeability condition is naturally satisfied by the defition of w
return -f
class HorizontalViscosityTerm(MomentumTerm):
Horizontal viscosity term, :math:`- \nabla_h \cdot \left( \nu_h \nabla_h \textbf{u} \right)`
Using the symmetric interior penalty method the weak form becomes
.. math::
\int_\Omega \nabla_h \cdot \left( \nu_h \nabla_h \textbf{u} \right) \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
=& -\int_\Omega \nu_h (\nabla_h \boldsymbol{\psi}) : (\nabla_h \textbf{u})^T dx \\
&+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} \textbf{n}_h) \cdot \text{avg}( \nu_h \nabla_h \textbf{u}) dS
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} \text{jump}(\textbf{u} \textbf{n}_h) \cdot \text{avg}( \nu_h \nabla_h \boldsymbol{\psi}) dS \\
&- \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} \sigma \text{avg}(\nu_h) \text{jump}(\textbf{u} \textbf{n}_h) \cdot \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} \textbf{n}_h) dS
where :math:`\sigma` is a penalty parameter, see Hillewaert (2013).
Hillewaert, Koen (2013). Development of the discontinuous Galerkin method
for high-resolution, large scale CFD and acoustics in industrial
geometries. PhD Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain.
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
viscosity_h = fields_old.get('viscosity_h')
sipg_factor = self.sipg_factor
if viscosity_h is None:
return 0
f = 0
uv_depth_av = fields_old.get('uv_depth_av')
if uv_depth_av is not None:
uv = solution + uv_depth_av
uv = solution
def grad_h(a):
return as_matrix([[Dx(a[0], 0), Dx(a[0], 1), 0],
[Dx(a[1], 0), Dx(a[1], 1), 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
visc_tensor = as_matrix([[viscosity_h, 0, 0],
[0, viscosity_h, 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
grad_uv = grad_h(uv)
grad_test = grad_h(self.test)
stress = dot(visc_tensor, grad_uv)
f += inner(grad_test, stress)*self.dx
if self.horizontal_continuity in ['dg', 'hdiv']:
h_cell = self.mesh.ufl_cell().sub_cells()[0]
p, q = self.function_space.ufl_element().degree()
cp = (p + 1) * (p + 2) / 2 if h_cell == triangle else (p + 1)**2
# by default the factor is multiplied by 2 to ensure convergence
sigma = cp * FacetArea(self.mesh) / CellVolume(self.mesh)
sp = sigma('+')
sm = sigma('-')
sigma_max = sipg_factor * conditional(sp > sm, sp, sm)
ds_interior = (self.dS_h + self.dS_v)
f += sigma_max*inner(
tensor_jump(self.normal, self.test),
dot(avg(visc_tensor), tensor_jump(self.normal, uv))
f += -inner(avg(dot(visc_tensor, nabla_grad(self.test))),
tensor_jump(self.normal, uv))*ds_interior
f += -inner(tensor_jump(self.normal, self.test),
avg(dot(visc_tensor, nabla_grad(uv))))*ds_interior
# symmetric bottom boundary condition
f += -inner(stress, outer(self.test, self.normal))*self.ds_surf
f += -inner(stress, outer(self.test, self.normal))*self.ds_bottom
# TODO boundary conditions
# TODO impermeability condition at bottom
# TODO implement as separate function
return -f
class VerticalViscosityTerm(MomentumTerm):
Vertical viscosity term, :math:`- \frac{\partial }{\partial z}\left( \nu \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\right)`
Using the symmetric interior penalty method the weak form becomes
.. math::
\int_\Omega \frac{\partial }{\partial z}\left( \nu \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\right) \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
=& -\int_\Omega \nu \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{\psi}}{\partial z} \cdot \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z} dx \\
&+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h} \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} n_z) \cdot \text{avg}\left(\nu \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\right) dS
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h} \text{jump}(\textbf{u} n_z) \cdot \text{avg}\left(\nu \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{\psi}}{\partial z}\right) dS \\
&- \int_{\mathcal{I}_h} \sigma \text{avg}(\nu) \text{jump}(\textbf{u} n_z) \cdot \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} n_z) dS
where :math:`\sigma` is a penalty parameter, see Hillewaert (2013).
Hillewaert, Koen (2013). Development of the discontinuous Galerkin method
for high-resolution, large scale CFD and acoustics in industrial
geometries. PhD Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain.
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
viscosity_v = fields_old.get('viscosity_v')
sipg_factor = self.sipg_factor_vertical
if viscosity_v is None:
return 0
f = 0
grad_test = Dx(self.test, 2)
diff_flux = viscosity_v*Dx(solution, 2)
f += inner(grad_test, diff_flux)*self.dx
if self.vertical_continuity in ['dg', 'hdiv']:
p, q = self.function_space.ufl_element().degree()
cp = (q + 1)**2
l_normal = CellVolume(self.mesh) / FacetArea(self.mesh)
# by default the factor is multiplied by 2 to ensure convergence
sigma = sipg_factor * cp / l_normal
sp = sigma('+')
sm = sigma('-')
sigma_max = conditional(sp > sm, sp, sm)
ds_interior = (self.dS_h)
f += sigma_max*inner(
tensor_jump(self.normal[2], self.test),
avg(viscosity_v)*tensor_jump(self.normal[2], solution)
f += -inner(avg(viscosity_v*Dx(self.test, 2)),
tensor_jump(self.normal[2], solution))*ds_interior
f += -inner(tensor_jump(self.normal[2], self.test),
avg(viscosity_v*Dx(solution, 2)))*ds_interior
return -f
class BottomFrictionTerm(MomentumTerm):
Quadratic bottom friction term, :math:`\tau_b = C_D \| \textbf{u}_b \| \textbf{u}_b`
The weak formulation reads
.. math::
\int_{\Gamma_{bot}} \tau_b \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx = \int_{\Gamma_{bot}} C_D \| \textbf{u}_b \| \textbf{u}_b \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
where :math:`\textbf{u}_b` is reconstructed velocity in the middle of the
bottom element:
.. math::
\textbf{u}_b = \textbf{u}\Big|_{\Gamma_{bot}} + \frac{\partial \textbf{u}}{\partial z}\Big|_{\Gamma_{bot}} h_b,
:math:`h_b` being half of the element height.
For implicit solvers we linearize the stress as
:math:`\tau_b = C_D \| \textbf{u}_b^{n} \| \textbf{u}_b^{n+1}`
The drag is computed from the law-of-the wall
.. math::
C_D = \left( \frac{\kappa}{\ln (h_b + z_0)/z_0} \right)^2
where :math:`z_0` is the bottom roughness length field.
The user can override the :math:`C_D` value by providing ``quadratic_drag_coefficient``
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
f = 0
if self.use_bottom_friction:
uv_depth_av = fields_old.get('uv_depth_av')
if uv_depth_av is not None:
uv = solution + uv_depth_av
uv_old = solution_old + uv_depth_av
uv = solution
uv_old = solution_old
drag = fields_old.get('quadratic_drag_coefficient')
if drag is None:
z0 = fields_old.get('bottom_roughness')
assert z0 is not None, \
'if use_bottom_friction=True, either bottom_roughness or quadratic_drag_coefficient must be defined'
assert self.v_elem_size is not None
kappa = physical_constants['von_karman']
h = self.v_elem_size
# compute drag coefficient from an analytical p1dg fit to the
# logarithmic velocity profile in the botton element
b = -7./4*h - 3./2*z0 + (h + 5./2*z0)*ln((h + z0)/z0)
drag = (kappa*h/b)**2
uv_old_mag = sqrt(uv_old[0]**2 + uv_old[1]**2)
bfr = drag * uv_old_mag
f += bfr * (self.test[0]*uv[0] + self.test[1]*uv[1])*self.ds_bottom
return -f
class LinearDragTerm(MomentumTerm):
Linear drag term, :math:`\tau_b = D \textbf{u}_b`
where :math:`D` is the drag coefficient, read from ``linear_drag_coefficient`` field.
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
linear_drag_coefficient = fields_old.get('linear_drag_coefficient')
f = 0
# Linear drag (consistent with drag in 2D mode)
if linear_drag_coefficient is not None:
uv_depth_av = fields_old.get('uv_depth_av')
if uv_depth_av is not None:
uv = solution + uv_depth_av
uv = solution
bottom_fri = linear_drag_coefficient*inner(self.test, uv)*self.dx
f += bottom_fri
return -f
class CoriolisTerm(MomentumTerm):
Coriolis term, :math:`f\textbf{e}_z\wedge \bar{\textbf{u}}`
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
coriolis = fields_old.get('coriolis')
f = 0
if coriolis is not None:
f += coriolis*(-solution[1]*self.test[0]
+ solution[0]*self.test[1])*self.dx
return -f
class SourceTerm(MomentumTerm):
Generic momentum source term
The weak form reads
.. math::
F_s = \int_\Omega \sigma \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
where :math:`\sigma` is a user defined vector valued :class:`Function`.
This term also implements the wind stress, :math:`-\tau_w/(H \rho_0)`.
:math:`\tau_w` is a user-defined wind stress :class:`Function`
``wind_stress``. The weak form is
.. math::
F_w = \int_{\Gamma_s} \frac{1}{\rho_0} \tau_w \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
Wind stress is only included if vertical viscosity is provided.
# TODO implement wind stress as a separate term
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
f = 0
source = fields_old.get('source')
viscosity_v = fields_old.get('viscosity_v')
wind_stress = fields_old.get('wind_stress')
if wind_stress is not None and viscosity_v is None:
warning('Wind stress is prescribed but vertical viscosity is not:\n Wind stress will be ignored.')
if viscosity_v is not None:
# wind stress
if wind_stress is not None:
f -= (wind_stress[0]*self.test[0]
+ wind_stress[1]*self.test[1])/rho_0*self.ds_surf
if source is not None:
f += - inner(source, self.test)*self.dx
return -f
class MomentumEquation(Equation):
Hydrostatic 3D momentum equation :eq:`mom_eq_split` for mode split models
def __init__(self, function_space,
bathymetry=None, v_elem_size=None, h_elem_size=None,
use_nonlinear_equations=True, use_lax_friedrichs=True,
use_bottom_friction=False, sipg_factor=Constant(1.0),
:arg function_space: :class:`FunctionSpace` where the solution belongs
:kwarg bathymetry: bathymetry of the domain
:type bathymetry: 3D :class:`Function` or :class:`Constant`
:kwarg v_elem_size: scalar :class:`Function` that defines the vertical
element size
:kwarg h_elem_size: scalar :class:`Function` that defines the horizontal
element size
:kwarg bool use_nonlinear_equations: If False defines the linear shallow water equations
:kwarg bool use_bottom_friction: If True includes bottom friction term
:kwarg sipg_factor: :class: `Constant` or :class: `Function` horizontal SIPG penalty scaling factor
:kwarg sipg_factor_vertical: :class: `Constant` or :class: `Function` vertical SIPG penalty scaling factor
# TODO rename for reflect the fact that this is eq for the split eqns
super(MomentumEquation, self).__init__(function_space)
args = (function_space, bathymetry,
v_elem_size, h_elem_size, use_nonlinear_equations,
use_lax_friedrichs, use_bottom_friction,
sipg_factor, sipg_factor_vertical)
self.add_term(PressureGradientTerm(*args), 'source')
self.add_term(HorizontalAdvectionTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(VerticalAdvectionTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(HorizontalViscosityTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(VerticalViscosityTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(BottomFrictionTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(LinearDragTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(CoriolisTerm(*args), 'explicit')
self.add_term(SourceTerm(*args), 'source')
class InternalPressureGradientCalculator(MomentumTerm):
Computes the internal pressure gradient term, :math:`g\nabla_h r`
where :math:`r` is the baroclinic head :eq:`baroc_head`.
If :math:`r` belongs to a discontinuous function space, the term is
integrated by parts:
.. math::
\int_\Omega g \nabla_h r \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
= - \int_\Omega g r \nabla_h \cdot \boldsymbol{\psi} dx
+ \int_{\mathcal{I}_h \cup \mathcal{I}_v} g \text{avg}(r) \text{jump}(\boldsymbol{\psi} \cdot \textbf{n}_h) dx
.. note ::
Due to the :class:`Term` sign convention this term is assembled on the right-hand-side.
def __init__(self, fields, bathymetry, bnd_functions,
internal_pg_scalar=None, solver_parameters=None):
:arg solver: `class`FlowSolver` object
:kwarg dict solver_parameters: PETSc solver options
if solver_parameters is None:
solver_parameters = {}
self.fields = fields
self.internal_pg_scalar = internal_pg_scalar
function_space = self.fields.int_pg_3d.function_space()
super(InternalPressureGradientCalculator, self).__init__(
function_space, bathymetry=bathymetry)
solution = self.fields.int_pg_3d
fields = {
'baroc_head': self.fields.baroc_head_3d,
l = -self.residual(solution, solution, fields, fields,
trial = TrialFunction(self.function_space)
a = inner(trial, self.test) * self.dx
prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, l, solution)
self.lin_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
def solve(self):
Computes internal pressure gradient and stores it in int_pg_3d field
def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions):
bhead = fields_old.get('baroc_head')
if bhead is None:
return 0
by_parts = element_continuity(bhead.function_space().ufl_element()).horizontal == 'dg'
if by_parts:
div_test = (Dx(self.test[0], 0) + Dx(self.test[1], 1))
f = -g_grav*bhead*div_test*self.dx
head_star = avg(bhead)
jump_n_dot_test = (jump(self.test[0], self.normal[0])
+ jump(self.test[1], self.normal[1]))
f += g_grav*head_star*jump_n_dot_test*(self.dS_v + self.dS_h)
n_dot_test = (self.normal[0]*self.test[0]
+ self.normal[1]*self.test[1])
f += g_grav*bhead*n_dot_test*(self.ds_bottom + self.ds_surf)
for bnd_marker in self.boundary_markers:
funcs = bnd_conditions.get(bnd_marker)
ds_bnd = ds_v(int(bnd_marker), degree=self.quad_degree)
if bhead is not None:
if funcs is not None and 'baroc_head' in funcs:
r_ext = funcs['baroc_head']
head_ext = r_ext
head_in = bhead
head_star = 0.5*(head_ext + head_in)
head_star = bhead
f += g_grav*head_star*n_dot_test*ds_bnd
grad_head_dot_test = (Dx(bhead, 0)*self.test[0]
+ Dx(bhead, 1)*self.test[1])
f = g_grav * grad_head_dot_test * self.dx
if self.internal_pg_scalar is not None:
f = self.internal_pg_scalar*f
return -f