Slope limiters for discontinuous fields
from .utility import *
from firedrake import VertexBasedLimiter
from pyop2.profiling import timed_stage
import numpy
def assert_function_space(fs, family, degree):
Checks the family and degree of function space.
Raises AssertionError if function space differs.
If the function space lies on an extruded mesh, checks both spaces of the
outer product.
:arg fs: function space
:arg string family: name of element family
:arg int degree: polynomial degree of the function space
fam_list = family
if not isinstance(family, list):
fam_list = [family]
ufl_elem = fs.ufl_element()
if isinstance(ufl_elem, firedrake.VectorElement):
ufl_elem = ufl_elem.sub_elements[0]
if ufl_elem.family() == 'TensorProductElement':
# extruded mesh
A, B = ufl_elem.sub_elements
assert A.family() in fam_list, \
'horizontal space must be one of {0:s}'.format(fam_list)
assert B.family() in fam_list, \
'vertical space must be {0:s}'.format(fam_list)
assert A.degree() == degree, \
'degree of horizontal space must be {0:d}'.format(degree)
assert B.degree() == degree, \
'degree of vertical space must be {0:d}'.format(degree)
# assume 2D mesh
assert ufl_elem.family() in fam_list, \
'function space must be one of {0:s}'.format(fam_list)
assert ufl_elem.degree() == degree, \
'degree of function space must be {0:d}'.format(degree)
class VertexBasedP1DGLimiter(VertexBasedLimiter):
Vertex based limiter for P1DG tracer fields, see Kuzmin (2010)
.. note::
Currently only scalar fields are supported
Kuzmin (2010). A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter
for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics, 233(12):3077-3085.
def __init__(self, p1dg_space, time_dependent_mesh=True):
:arg p1dg_space: P1DG function space
assert_function_space(p1dg_space, ['Discontinuous Lagrange', 'DQ'], 1)
self.is_vector = p1dg_space.value_size > 1
if self.is_vector:
p1dg_scalar_space = FunctionSpace(p1dg_space.mesh(), 'DG', 1)
super(VertexBasedP1DGLimiter, self).__init__(p1dg_scalar_space)
super(VertexBasedP1DGLimiter, self).__init__(p1dg_space)
self.mesh = self.P0.mesh()
self.is_2d = self.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2
self.time_dependent_mesh = time_dependent_mesh
def _construct_centroid_solver(self):
Constructs a linear problem for computing the centroids
:return: LinearSolver instance
u = TrialFunction(self.P0)
v = TestFunction(self.P0)
self.a_form = u * v * dx
a = assemble(self.a_form)
return LinearSolver(a, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'preonly',
'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'})
def _update_centroids(self, field):
Update centroid values
b = assemble(TestFunction(self.P0) * field * dx)
if self.time_dependent_mesh:
assemble(self.a_form, self.centroid_solver.A)
self.centroid_solver.solve(self.centroids, b)
def compute_bounds(self, field):
Re-compute min/max values of all neighbouring centroids
:arg field: :class:`Function` to limit
# Call general-purpose bound computation.
super(VertexBasedP1DGLimiter, self).compute_bounds(field)
# Add the average of lateral boundary facets to min/max fields
# NOTE this just computes the arithmetic mean of nodal values on the facet,
# which in general is not equivalent to the mean of the field over the bnd facet.
# This is OK for P1DG triangles, but not exact for the extruded case (quad facets)
from finat.finiteelementbase import entity_support_dofs
if self.is_2d:
entity_dim = 1 # get 1D facets
entity_dim = (1, 1) # get vertical facets
boundary_dofs = entity_support_dofs(self.P1DG.finat_element, entity_dim)
local_facet_nodes = numpy.array([boundary_dofs[e] for e in sorted(boundary_dofs.keys())])
n_bnd_nodes = local_facet_nodes.shape[1]
local_facet_idx = op2.Global(local_facet_nodes.shape, local_facet_nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='local_facet_idx')
code = """
void my_kernel(double *qmax, double *qmin, double *field, unsigned int *facet, unsigned int *local_facet_idx)
double face_mean = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < %(nnodes)d; i++) {
unsigned int idx = local_facet_idx[facet[0]*%(nnodes)d + i];
face_mean += field[idx];
face_mean /= %(nnodes)d;
for (int i = 0; i < %(nnodes)d; i++) {
unsigned int idx = local_facet_idx[facet[0]*%(nnodes)d + i];
qmax[idx] = fmax(qmax[idx], face_mean);
qmin[idx] = fmin(qmin[idx], face_mean);
bnd_kernel = op2.Kernel(code % {'nnodes': n_bnd_nodes}, 'my_kernel')
self.max_field.dat(op2.MAX, self.max_field.exterior_facet_node_map()),
self.min_field.dat(op2.MIN, self.min_field.exterior_facet_node_map()),
field.dat(op2.READ, field.exterior_facet_node_map()),
if not self.is_2d:
# Add nodal values from surface/bottom boundaries
# NOTE calling firedrake par_loop with measure=ds_t raises an error
bottom_nodes = get_facet_mask(self.P1CG, 'bottom')
top_nodes = get_facet_mask(self.P1CG, 'top')
bottom_idx = op2.Global(len(bottom_nodes), bottom_nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='node_idx')
top_idx = op2.Global(len(top_nodes), top_nodes, dtype=numpy.int32, name='node_idx')
code = """
void my_kernel(double *qmax, double *qmin, double *field, int *idx) {
double face_mean = 0;
for (int i=0; i<%(nnodes)d; i++) {
face_mean += field[idx[i]];
face_mean /= %(nnodes)d;
for (int i=0; i<%(nnodes)d; i++) {
qmax[idx[i]] = fmax(qmax[idx[i]], face_mean);
qmin[idx[i]] = fmin(qmin[idx[i]], face_mean);
kernel = op2.Kernel(code % {'nnodes': len(bottom_nodes)}, 'my_kernel')
op2.par_loop(kernel, self.mesh.cell_set,
self.max_field.dat(op2.MAX, self.max_field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
self.min_field.dat(op2.MIN, self.min_field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
field.dat(op2.READ, field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
op2.par_loop(kernel, self.mesh.cell_set,
self.max_field.dat(op2.MAX, self.max_field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
self.min_field.dat(op2.MIN, self.min_field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
field.dat(op2.READ, field.function_space().cell_node_map()),
def apply(self, field):
Applies the limiter on the given field (in place)
:arg field: :class:`Function` to limit
with timed_stage('limiter'):
if self.is_vector:
tmp_func = self.P1DG.get_work_function()
fs = field.function_space()
for i in range(fs.value_size):
tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos[:] = field.dat.data_with_halos[:, i]
super(VertexBasedP1DGLimiter, self).apply(tmp_func)
field.dat.data_with_halos[:, i] = tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos[:]
super(VertexBasedP1DGLimiter, self).apply(field)