Routines for interpolating forcing fields for the 3D solver.
from firedrake import *
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
import scipy.spatial.qhull as qhull
import thetis.timezone as timezone
import thetis.interpolation as interpolation
from .log import *
import netCDF4
import thetis.physical_constants as physical_constants
import uptide
import uptide.tidal_netcdf
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import os
import numpy
def compute_wind_stress(wind_u, wind_v, method='LargeYeager2009'):
Compute wind stress from atmospheric 10 m wind.
wind stress is defined as
.. math:
tau_w = C_D \rho_{air} \|U_{10}\| U_{10}
where :math:`C_D` is the drag coefficient, :math:`\rho_{air}` is the
density of air, and :math:`U_{10}` is wind speed 10 m above the sea
In practice `C_D` depends on the wind speed.
Two formulation are currently implemented:
- "LargePond1981":
Wind stress formulation by [1]
- "SmithBanke1975":
Wind stress formulation by [2]
- "LargeYeager2009":
Wind stress formulation by [3]
[1] Large and Pond (1981). Open Ocean Momentum Flux Measurements in
Moderate to Strong Winds. Journal of Physical Oceanography,
[2] Smith and Banke (1975). Variation of the sea surface drag coefficient
with wind speed. Q J R Meteorol Soc., 101(429):665-673.
[3] Large and Yeager (2009). The global climatology of an interannually
varying air–sea flux data set. Climate Dynamics,
33:341–364. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-008-0441-3
:arg wind_u, wind_v: Wind u and v components as numpy arrays
:kwarg method: Choose the stress formulation. Currently supports:
'LargeYeager2009' (default), 'LargePond1981', or 'SmithBanke1975'.
:returns: (tau_x, tau_y) wind stress x and y components as numpy arrays
rho_air = float(physical_constants['rho_air'])
wind_mag = numpy.hypot(wind_u, wind_v)
if method == 'LargePond1981':
CD_LOW = 1.2e-3
C_D = numpy.ones_like(wind_u)*CD_LOW
high_wind = wind_mag > 11.0
C_D[high_wind] = 1.0e-3*(0.49 + 0.065*wind_mag[high_wind])
elif method == 'SmithBanke1975':
C_D = (0.63 + 0.066 * wind_mag)/1000.
elif method == 'LargeYeager2009':
# NOTE wind velocity should be shifted to 10 m neutral equivalent
# but it requires air temperature, humidity and iteration, see [3]
high_wind = wind_mag > 33.0
eps = 1e-3
C_D = 1.e-3 * (2.7 / (wind_mag + eps) + 0.142
+ wind_mag / 13.09 - 3.14807e-10*wind_mag**6)
C_D[high_wind] = 2.34e-3
tau = C_D*rho_air*wind_mag
tau_x = tau*wind_u
tau_y = tau*wind_v
return tau_x, tau_y
class ATMNetCDFTime(interpolation.NetCDFTimeParser):
A TimeParser class for reading atmosphere model output files.
def __init__(self, filename, max_duration=None, verbose=False):
:arg filename:
:kwarg max_duration: Time span to read from each file (in seconds).
E.g. forecast files can consist of daily files with > 1 day of
data. In this case max_duration should be set to 24 h. If None,
all time steps are loaded. Default: None.
:kwarg bool verbose: Se True to print debug information.
super(ATMNetCDFTime, self).__init__(filename, time_variable_name='time')
# NOTE these are daily forecast files, limit time steps to one day
self.start_time = timezone.epoch_to_datetime(float(self.time_array[0]))
self.end_time_raw = timezone.epoch_to_datetime(float(self.time_array[-1]))
self.time_step = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(self.time_array))
if max_duration is not None:
self.max_steps = int(max_duration / self.time_step)
self.max_steps = self.nb_steps
self.time_array = self.time_array[:self.max_steps]
self.end_time = timezone.epoch_to_datetime(float(self.time_array[-1]))
if verbose:
print_output('Parsed file {:}'.format(filename))
print_output(' Time span: {:} -> {:}'.format(self.start_time, self.end_time_raw))
print_output(' Time step: {:} h'.format(self.time_step/3600.))
if max_duration is not None:
print_output(' Restricting duration to {:} h -> keeping {:} steps'.format(max_duration/3600., self.max_steps))
print_output(' New time span: {:} -> {:}'.format(self.start_time, self.end_time))
class ATMInterpolator(object):
Interpolates WRF/NAM atmospheric model data on 2D fields.
def __init__(self, function_space, wind_stress_field,
atm_pressure_field, coord_system,
ncfile_pattern, init_date,
east_wind_var_name='uwind', north_wind_var_name='vwind',
pressure_var_name='prmsl', fill_mode=None,
:arg function_space: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which data will be interpolated.
:arg wind_stress_field: A 2D vector :class:`Function` where the output
wind stress will be stored.
:arg atm_pressure_field: A 2D scalar :class:`Function` where the output
atmospheric pressure will be stored.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:arg ncfile_pattern: A file name pattern for reading the atmospheric
model output files. E.g. 'forcings/nam_air.local.2006_*.nc'
:arg init_date: A :class:`datetime` object that indicates the start
date/time of the Thetis simulation. Must contain time zone. E.g.
'datetime(2006, 5, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)'
:kwarg vect_rotator: function that rotates vectors from ENU coordinates
to target function space (optional).
:kwarg east_wind_var_name, north_wind_var_name, pressure_var_name:
wind component and pressure field names in netCDF file.
:kwarg fill_mode: Determines how points outside the source grid will be
treated. If 'nearest', value of the nearest source point will be
used. Otherwise a constant fill value will be used (default).
:kwarg float fill_value: Set the fill value (default: NaN)
:kwarg bool verbose: Se True to print debug information.
self.function_space = function_space
self.wind_stress_field = wind_stress_field
self.atm_pressure_field = atm_pressure_field
# construct interpolators
self.grid_interpolator = interpolation.NetCDFLatLonInterpolator2d(
self.function_space, coord_system, fill_mode=fill_mode,
var_list = [east_wind_var_name, north_wind_var_name, pressure_var_name]
self.reader = interpolation.NetCDFSpatialInterpolator(
self.grid_interpolator, var_list)
self.timesearch_obj = interpolation.NetCDFTimeSearch(ncfile_pattern, init_date, ATMNetCDFTime, verbose=verbose)
self.time_interpolator = interpolation.LinearTimeInterpolator(self.timesearch_obj, self.reader)
lon = self.grid_interpolator.mesh_lonlat[:, 0]
lat = self.grid_interpolator.mesh_lonlat[:, 1]
if vect_rotator is None:
self.vect_rotator = coord_system.get_vector_rotator(lon, lat)
self.vect_rotator = vect_rotator
def set_fields(self, time):
Evaluates forcing fields at the given time.
Performs interpolation and updates the output wind stress and
atmospheric pressure fields in place.
:arg float time: Thetis simulation time in seconds.
east_wind, north_wind, prmsl = self.time_interpolator(time)
east_strs, north_strs = compute_wind_stress(east_wind, north_wind)
if self.wind_stress_field.geometric_dimension() == 3:
u_strs, v_strs, z_strs = self.vect_rotator(east_strs, north_strs)
self.wind_stress_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 0] = u_strs
self.wind_stress_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 1] = v_strs
self.wind_stress_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 2] = z_strs
u_strs, v_strs = self.vect_rotator(east_strs, north_strs)
self.wind_stress_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 0] = u_strs
self.wind_stress_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 1] = v_strs
self.atm_pressure_field.dat.data_with_halos[:] = prmsl
class SpatialInterpolatorNCOMBase(interpolation.SpatialInterpolator):
Base class for 2D and 3D NCOM spatial interpolators.
def __init__(self, function_space, coord_system, grid_path):
:arg function_space: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which data will be interpolated.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:arg grid_path: File path where the NCOM model grid files
('model_lat.nc', 'model_lon.nc', 'model_zm.nc') are located.
self.function_space = function_space
self.grid_path = grid_path
self._initialized = False
def _create_2d_mapping(self, ncfile):
Create map for 2D nodes.
# read source lat lon grid
lat_full = self._get_forcing_grid('model_lat.nc', 'Lat')
lon_full = self._get_forcing_grid('model_lon.nc', 'Long')
x_ind = ncfile['X_Index'][:].astype(int)
y_ind = ncfile['Y_Index'][:].astype(int)
lon = lon_full[y_ind, :][:, x_ind]
lat = lat_full[y_ind, :][:, x_ind]
# find where data values are not defined
varkey = None
for k in ncfile.variables.keys():
if k not in ['X_Index', 'Y_Index', 'level']:
varkey = k
assert varkey is not None, 'Could not find variable in file'
vals = ncfile[varkey][:] # shape (nz, lat, lon) or (lat, lon)
is3d = len(vals.shape) == 3
land_mask = numpy.all(vals.mask, axis=0) if is3d else vals.mask
# build 2d mask
mask_good_values = ~land_mask
# neighborhood mask with bounding box
mask_cover = numpy.zeros_like(mask_good_values)
buffer = 0.2
lat_min = self.latlonz_array[:, 0].min() - buffer
lat_max = self.latlonz_array[:, 0].max() + buffer
lon_min = self.latlonz_array[:, 1].min() - buffer
lon_max = self.latlonz_array[:, 1].max() + buffer
mask_cover[(lat >= lat_min)
* (lat <= lat_max)
* (lon >= lon_min)
* (lon <= lon_max)] = True
mask_cover *= mask_good_values
# include nearest valid neighbors
# needed for nearest neighbor filling
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
good_lat = lat[mask_good_values]
good_lon = lon[mask_good_values]
ll = numpy.vstack([good_lat.ravel(), good_lon.ravel()]).T
dist, ix = cKDTree(ll).query(self.latlonz_array[:, :2])
ix = numpy.unique(ix)
ix = numpy.nonzero(mask_good_values.ravel())[0][ix]
a, b = numpy.unravel_index(ix, lat.shape)
mask_nn = numpy.zeros_like(mask_good_values)
mask_nn[a, b] = True
# final mask
mask = mask_cover + mask_nn
self.nodes = numpy.nonzero(mask.ravel())[0]
self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon = numpy.unravel_index(self.nodes, lat.shape)
lat_subset = lat[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
lon_subset = lon[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
assert len(lat_subset) > 0, 'rank {:} has no source lat points'
assert len(lon_subset) > 0, 'rank {:} has no source lon points'
return lon_subset, lat_subset, x_ind, y_ind, vals
def _get_forcing_grid(self, filename, varname):
Helper function to load NCOM grid files.
v = None
with netCDF4.Dataset(os.path.join(self.grid_path, filename), 'r') as ncfile:
v = ncfile[varname][:]
return v
class SpatialInterpolatorNCOM3d(SpatialInterpolatorNCOMBase):
Spatial interpolator class for interpolating NCOM ocean model 3D fields.
def __init__(self, function_space, coord_system, grid_path):
:arg function_space: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which data will be interpolated.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:arg grid_path: File path where the NCOM model grid files
('model_lat.nc', 'model_lon.nc', 'model_zm.nc') are located.
super().__init__(function_space, coord_system, grid_path)
# construct local coordinates
xyz = SpatialCoordinate(self.function_space.mesh())
tmp_func = self.function_space.get_work_function()
xyz_array = numpy.zeros((tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(3):
xyz_array[:, i] = tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos[:]
self.latlonz_array = numpy.zeros_like(xyz_array)
lon, lat = coord_system.to_lonlat(
xyz_array[:, 0], xyz_array[:, 1], positive_lon=True
self.latlonz_array[:, 0] = lat
self.latlonz_array[:, 1] = lon
self.latlonz_array[:, 2] = xyz_array[:, 2]
def _create_interpolator(self, ncfile):
Create a compact interpolator by finding the minimal necessary support
lon_subset, lat_subset, x_ind, y_ind, vals = self._create_2d_mapping(ncfile)
# find 3d mask where data is not defined
vals = vals[:, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
self.good_mask_3d = ~vals.mask
# construct vertical grid
zm = self._get_forcing_grid('model_zm.nc', 'zm')
zm = zm[:, y_ind, :][:, :, x_ind]
grid_z = zm[:, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon] # shape (nz, nlatlon)
grid_z = grid_z.filled(-5000.)
# nudge water surface higher for interpolation
grid_z[0, :] = 1.5
nz = grid_z.shape[0]
# data shape is [nz, neta*nxi]
grid_lat = numpy.tile(lat_subset, (nz, 1))[self.good_mask_3d]
grid_lon = numpy.tile(lon_subset, (nz, 1))[self.good_mask_3d]
grid_z = grid_z[self.good_mask_3d]
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lat):
grid_lat = grid_lat.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lon):
grid_lon = grid_lon.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_z):
grid_z = grid_z.filled(0.0)
grid_latlonz = numpy.vstack((grid_lat, grid_lon, grid_z)).T
# building 3D interpolator, this can take a long time (minutes)
print_output('Constructing 3D GridInterpolator...')
self.interpolator = interpolation.GridInterpolator(
grid_latlonz, self.latlonz_array,
normalize=True, fill_mode='nearest', dont_raise=True
self._initialized = True
def interpolate(self, nc_filename, variable_list, itime):
Calls the interpolator object
with netCDF4.Dataset(nc_filename, 'r') as ncfile:
if not self._initialized:
output = []
for var in variable_list:
assert var in ncfile.variables
grid_data = ncfile[var][:][:, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon][self.good_mask_3d]
data = self.interpolator(grid_data)
return output
class SpatialInterpolatorNCOM2d(SpatialInterpolatorNCOMBase):
Spatial interpolator class for interpolating NCOM ocean model 2D fields.
def __init__(self, function_space, coord_system, grid_path):
:arg function_space: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which data will be interpolated.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:arg grid_path: File path where the NCOM model grid files
('model_lat.nc', 'model_lon.nc', 'model_zm.nc') are located.
super().__init__(function_space, coord_system, grid_path)
# construct local coordinates
xyz = SpatialCoordinate(self.function_space.mesh())
tmp_func = self.function_space.get_work_function()
xy_array = numpy.zeros((tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos.shape[0], 2))
for i in range(2):
xy_array[:, i] = tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos[:]
self.latlonz_array = numpy.zeros_like(xy_array)
lon, lat = coord_system.to_lonlat(
xy_array[:, 0], xy_array[:, 1], positive_lon=True
self.latlonz_array[:, 0] = lat
self.latlonz_array[:, 1] = lon
def _create_interpolator(self, ncfile):
Create a compact interpolator by finding the minimal necessary support
lon_subset, lat_subset, x_ind, y_ind, vals = self._create_2d_mapping(ncfile)
grid_lat = lat_subset
grid_lon = lon_subset
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lat):
grid_lat = grid_lat.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lon):
grid_lon = grid_lon.filled(0.0)
grid_latlon = numpy.vstack((grid_lat, grid_lon)).T
# building 3D interpolator, this can take a long time (minutes)
self.interpolator = interpolation.GridInterpolator(
grid_latlon, self.latlonz_array,
normalize=False, fill_mode='nearest', dont_raise=True
self._initialized = True
def interpolate(self, nc_filename, variable_list, itime):
Calls the interpolator object
with netCDF4.Dataset(nc_filename, 'r') as ncfile:
if not self._initialized:
output = []
for var in variable_list:
assert var in ncfile.variables
grid_data = ncfile[var][:][self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
data = self.interpolator(grid_data)
return output
class NCOMInterpolator(object):
Interpolates NCOM model data on 3D fields.
.. note::
The following NCOM output files must be present:
def __init__(self, function_space_2d, function_space_3d, fields, field_names, field_fnstr,
coord_system, basedir, file_pattern, init_date, verbose=False):
:arg function_space_2d: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which 2D data will be interpolated.
:arg function_space_3d: Target (scalar) :class:`FunctionSpace` object onto
which 3D data will be interpolated.
:arg fields: list of :class:`Function` objects where data will be
:arg field_names: List of netCDF variable names for the fields. E.g.
['Salinity', 'Temperature'].
:arg field_fnstr: List of variables in netCDF file names. E.g.
['s3d', 't3d'].
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:arg basedir: Root dir where NCOM files are stored.
E.g. '/forcings/ncom'.
:arg file_pattern: A file name pattern for reading the NCOM output
files (excluding the basedir). E.g.
:arg init_date: A :class:`datetime` object that indicates the start
date/time of the Thetis simulation. Must contain time zone. E.g.
'datetime(2006, 5, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)'
:kwarg bool verbose: Se True to print debug information.
self.function_space_2d = function_space_2d
self.function_space_3d = function_space_3d
for f in fields:
assert f.function_space() in [self.function_space_2d, self.function_space_3d], 'field \'{:}\' does not belong to given function space.'.format(f.name())
assert len(fields) == len(field_names)
assert len(fields) == len(field_fnstr)
self.field_names = field_names
self.fields = dict(zip(self.field_names, fields))
# construct interpolators
self.grid_interpolator_2d = SpatialInterpolatorNCOM2d(self.function_space_2d, coord_system, basedir)
self.grid_interpolator_3d = SpatialInterpolatorNCOM3d(self.function_space_3d, coord_system, basedir)
# each field is in different file
# construct time search and interp objects separately for each
self.time_interpolator = {}
for ncvarname, fnstr in zip(field_names, field_fnstr):
gi = self.grid_interpolator_2d if fnstr == 'ssh' else self.grid_interpolator_3d
r = interpolation.NetCDFSpatialInterpolator(gi, [ncvarname])
pat = file_pattern.replace('{fieldstr:}', fnstr)
pat = os.path.join(basedir, pat)
ts = interpolation.DailyFileTimeSearch(pat, init_date, verbose=verbose)
ti = interpolation.LinearTimeInterpolator(ts, r)
self.time_interpolator[ncvarname] = ti
# construct velocity rotation object
self.rotate_velocity = ('U_Velocity' in field_names
and 'V_Velocity' in field_names)
self.scalar_field_names = list(self.field_names)
if self.rotate_velocity:
lat = self.grid_interpolator_3d.latlonz_array[:, 0]
lon = self.grid_interpolator_3d.latlonz_array[:, 1]
self.vect_rotator = coord_system.get_vector_rotator(lon, lat)
def set_fields(self, time):
Evaluates forcing fields at the given time
if self.rotate_velocity:
# water_u (meter/sec) = Eastward Water Velocity
# water_v (meter/sec) = Northward Water Velocity
lon_vel = self.time_interpolator['U_Velocity'](time)[0]
lat_vel = self.time_interpolator['V_Velocity'](time)[0]
u, v = self.vect_rotator(lon_vel, lat_vel)
self.fields['U_Velocity'].dat.data_with_halos[:] = u
self.fields['V_Velocity'].dat.data_with_halos[:] = v
for fname in self.scalar_field_names:
vals = self.time_interpolator[fname](time)[0]
self.fields[fname].dat.data_with_halos[:] = vals
class SpatialInterpolatorROMS3d(interpolation.SpatialInterpolator):
Abstract spatial interpolator class that can interpolate onto a Function
def __init__(self, function_space, coord_system):
:arg function_space: target Firedrake FunctionSpace
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
self.function_space = function_space
# construct local coordinates
xyz = SpatialCoordinate(self.function_space.mesh())
tmp_func = self.function_space.get_work_function()
xyz_array = numpy.zeros((tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(3):
xyz_array[:, i] = tmp_func.dat.data_with_halos[:]
self.latlonz_array = numpy.zeros_like(xyz_array)
lon, lat = coord_system.to_lonlat(
xyz_array[:, 0], xyz_array[:, 1]
self.latlonz_array[:, 0] = lat
self.latlonz_array[:, 1] = lon
self.latlonz_array[:, 2] = xyz_array[:, 2]
self._initialized = False
def _get_subset_nodes(self, grid_x, grid_y, target_x, target_y):
Returns grid nodes that are necessary for intepolating onto target_x,y
orig_shape = grid_x.shape
grid_xy = numpy.array((grid_x.ravel(), grid_y.ravel())).T
target_xy = numpy.array((target_x.ravel(), target_y.ravel())).T
tri = qhull.Delaunay(grid_xy)
simplex = tri.find_simplex(target_xy)
vertices = numpy.take(tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0)
nodes = numpy.unique(vertices.ravel())
nodes_x, nodes_y = numpy.unravel_index(nodes, orig_shape)
return nodes, nodes_x, nodes_y
def _compute_roms_z_coord(self, ncfile, constant_zeta=None):
zeta = ncfile['zeta'][0, :, :]
bath = ncfile['h'][:]
# NOTE compute z coordinates for full levels (w)
cs = ncfile['Cs_w'][:]
s = ncfile['s_w'][:]
hc = ncfile['hc'][:]
# ROMS transformation ver. 2:
# z(x, y, sigma, t) = zeta(x, y, t) + (zeta(x, y, t) + h(x, y))*S(x, y, sigma)
zeta = zeta[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon][self.mask].filled(0.0)
bath = bath[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon][self.mask]
if constant_zeta:
zeta = numpy.ones_like(bath)*constant_zeta
ss = (hc*s[:, numpy.newaxis] + bath[numpy.newaxis, :]*cs[:, numpy.newaxis])/(hc + bath[numpy.newaxis, :])
grid_z_w = zeta[numpy.newaxis, :]*(1 + ss) + bath[numpy.newaxis, :]*ss
grid_z = 0.5*(grid_z_w[1:, :] + grid_z_w[:-1, :])
grid_z[0, :] = grid_z_w[0, :]
grid_z[-1, :] = grid_z_w[-1, :]
return grid_z
def _create_interpolator(self, ncfile):
Create compact interpolator by finding the minimal necessary support
lat = ncfile['lat_rho'][:]
lon = ncfile['lon_rho'][:]
self.mask = ncfile['mask_rho'][:].astype(bool)
self.nodes, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon = self._get_subset_nodes(lat, lon, self.latlonz_array[:, 0], self.latlonz_array[:, 1])
lat_subset = lat[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
lon_subset = lon[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
self.mask = self.mask[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
# COMPUTE z coords for constant elevation=0.1
grid_z = self._compute_roms_z_coord(ncfile, constant_zeta=0.1)
# omit land mask
lat_subset = lat_subset[self.mask]
lon_subset = lon_subset[self.mask]
nz = grid_z.shape[0]
# data shape is [nz, neta, nxi]
grid_lat = numpy.tile(lat_subset, (nz, 1, 1)).ravel()
grid_lon = numpy.tile(lon_subset, (nz, 1, 1)).ravel()
grid_z = grid_z.ravel()
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lat):
grid_lat = grid_lat.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lon):
grid_lon = grid_lon.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_z):
grid_z = grid_z.filled(0.0)
grid_latlonz = numpy.vstack((grid_lat, grid_lon, grid_z)).T
# building 3D interpolator, this can take a long time (minutes)
print_output('Constructing 3D GridInterpolator...')
self.interpolator = interpolation.GridInterpolator(
grid_latlonz, self.latlonz_array, normalize=True,
self._initialized = True
def interpolate(self, nc_filename, variable_list, itime):
Calls the interpolator object
with netCDF4.Dataset(nc_filename, 'r') as ncfile:
if not self._initialized:
output = []
for var in variable_list:
assert var in ncfile.variables
grid_data = ncfile[var][itime, :, :, :][:, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon][:, self.mask].filled(numpy.nan).ravel()
data = self.interpolator(grid_data)
return output
class LiveOceanInterpolator(object):
Interpolates LiveOcean (ROMS) model data on 3D fields
def __init__(self, function_space, fields, field_names, ncfile_pattern, init_date, coord_system):
self.function_space = function_space
for f in fields:
assert f.function_space() == self.function_space, 'field \'{:}\' does not belong to given function space {:}.'.format(f.name(), self.function_space.name)
assert len(fields) == len(field_names)
self.fields = fields
self.field_names = field_names
# construct interpolators
self.grid_interpolator = SpatialInterpolatorROMS3d(self.function_space, coord_system)
self.reader = interpolation.NetCDFSpatialInterpolator(self.grid_interpolator, field_names)
self.timesearch_obj = interpolation.NetCDFTimeSearch(ncfile_pattern, init_date, interpolation.NetCDFTimeParser, time_variable_name='ocean_time', verbose=False)
self.time_interpolator = interpolation.LinearTimeInterpolator(self.timesearch_obj, self.reader)
def set_fields(self, time):
Evaluates forcing fields at the given time
vals = self.time_interpolator(time)
for i in range(len(self.fields)):
self.fields[i].dat.data_with_halos[:] = vals[i]
class GenericSpatialInterpolator2D(interpolation.SpatialInterpolator2d):
Spatial interpolator class for interpolating netCDF 2D fields.
def _get_nc_var_name(self, ncfile, standard_name):
Find netCDF variable name that matches CF standard_name.
Raises an AssertionError if standard_name is not found.
:arg ncfile: netCDF Dataset object
:arg standard_name: standard_name to look for
:returns: name of the netCDF variable
name = None
for var in ncfile.variables.values():
if hasattr(var, 'standard_name') and var.standard_name == standard_name:
name = var.name
msg = f'Variable {standard_name} not found in {ncfile.filepath()}'
assert name is not None, msg
return name
def _get_subset_nodes(self, grid_x, grid_y, target_x, target_y):
Returns grid nodes that are necessary for intepolating onto target_x,y
orig_shape = grid_x.shape
grid_xy = numpy.array((grid_x.ravel(), grid_y.ravel())).T
target_xy = numpy.array((target_x.ravel(), target_y.ravel())).T
tri = qhull.Delaunay(grid_xy)
simplex = tri.find_simplex(target_xy)
vertices = numpy.take(tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0)
nodes = numpy.unique(vertices.ravel())
nodes_x, nodes_y = numpy.unravel_index(nodes, orig_shape)
return nodes, nodes_x, nodes_y
def _create_interpolator(self, ncfile):
Create compact interpolator by finding the minimal necessary support
lat_name = self._get_nc_var_name(ncfile, 'latitude')
lon_name = self._get_nc_var_name(ncfile, 'longitude')
lat1d = ncfile[lat_name][:]
lon1d = ncfile[lon_name][:]
lat, lon = numpy.meshgrid(lat1d, lon1d, indexing='ij')
# find valid mask
self.valid_mask = None
# read a variable and take inverse of its mask
for name, var in ncfile.variables.items():
if len(var.shape) == 3:
v = var[0, ...] # read first time index
self.valid_mask = ~v.mask
assert self.valid_mask is not None, 'could not determine mask'
assert self.valid_mask.shape == lat.shape, 'mask has wrong shape {self.mask.shape} {lat.shape}'
self.nodes, self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon = self._get_subset_nodes(lat, lon, self.mesh_lonlat[:, 1], self.mesh_lonlat[:, 0])
lat_subset = lat[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
lon_subset = lon[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
self.valid_mask = self.valid_mask[self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon]
# omit land mask
lat_subset = lat_subset[self.valid_mask]
lon_subset = lon_subset[self.valid_mask]
grid_lat = lat_subset.ravel()
grid_lon = lon_subset.ravel()
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lat):
grid_lat = grid_lat.filled(0.0)
if numpy.ma.isMaskedArray(grid_lon):
grid_lon = grid_lon.filled(0.0)
grid_latlon = numpy.vstack((grid_lat, grid_lon)).T
# building 2D interpolator, this can take a long time (minutes)
print_output('Constructing 2D GridInterpolator...')
mesh_latlon = self.mesh_lonlat[:, [1, 0]]
self.interpolator = interpolation.GridInterpolator(
grid_latlon, mesh_latlon, normalize=False,
self._initialized = True
def interpolate(self, nc_filename, variable_list, itime):
Calls the interpolator object
with netCDF4.Dataset(nc_filename, 'r') as ncfile:
if not self._initialized:
output = []
for var in variable_list:
assert var in ncfile.variables
grid_data = ncfile[var][itime, ...][self.ind_lat, self.ind_lon][self.valid_mask]
data = self.interpolator(grid_data)
return output
class GenericInterpolator2D(object):
Interpolates 2D fields from netCDF files.
The grid latitude, longitude coordinates must be defined in 1D arrays
with CF standard_name attributes "latitude" and "longitude". Time must be
defined with cftime compliant units and metadata.
def __init__(self, function_space, fields, field_names, ncfile_pattern,
init_date, coord_system, vector_field=None,
vector_components=None, vector_rotator=None):
self.function_space = function_space
for f in fields:
assert f.function_space() == self.function_space, 'field \'{:}\' does not belong to given function space {:}.'.format(f.name(), self.function_space.name)
assert len(fields) == len(field_names)
self.fields = fields
self.field_names = list(field_names)
self.scalar_field_index = list(range(len(field_names)))
# construct interpolators
self.grid_interpolator = GenericSpatialInterpolator2D(self.function_space, coord_system)
self.reader = interpolation.NetCDFSpatialInterpolator(self.grid_interpolator, self.field_names)
# TODO generalize _get_nc_var_name and use it for time dimension as well
self.timesearch_obj = interpolation.NetCDFTimeSearch(ncfile_pattern, init_date, interpolation.NetCDFTimeParser, time_variable_name='time', verbose=False)
self.time_interpolator = interpolation.LinearTimeInterpolator(self.timesearch_obj, self.reader)
self.rotate_velocity = vector_components is not None
if self.rotate_velocity:
assert vector_field is not None, 'vector_field must be provided'
self.field_names += list(vector_components)
self.vector_field_index = [self.field_names.index(c) for c in vector_components]
self.vector_field = vector_field
lon = self.grid_interpolator.mesh_lonlat[:, 0]
lat = self.grid_interpolator.mesh_lonlat[:, 1]
if vector_rotator is None:
self.vect_rotator = coord_system.get_vector_rotator(lon, lat)
self.vect_rotator = vector_rotator
def set_fields(self, time):
Evaluates forcing fields at the given time
vals = self.time_interpolator(time)
if self.rotate_velocity:
i, j = self.vector_field_index
east_comp = vals[i]
north_comp = vals[j]
if self.vector_field.geometric_dimension() == 3:
u, v, w = self.vect_rotator(east_comp, north_comp)
self.vector_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 0] = u
self.vector_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 1] = v
self.vector_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 2] = w
u, v = self.vect_rotator(east_comp, north_comp)
self.vector_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 0] = u
self.vector_field.dat.data_with_halos[:, 1] = v
for i in self.scalar_field_index:
self.fields[i].dat.data_with_halos[:] = vals[i]
class TidalBoundaryForcing(ABC):
"""Base class for tidal boundary interpolators."""
def coord_layout():
Data layout in the netcdf files.
Either 'lon,lat' or 'lat,lon'.
return 'lon,lat'
def compute_velocity():
"""If True, compute tidal currents as well."""
return False
def __init__(self, elev_field, init_date, coord_system, vect_rotator=None,
uv_field=None, constituents=None, boundary_ids=None,
:arg elev_field: Function where tidal elevation will be interpolated.
:arg init_date: Datetime object defining the simulation init time.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:kwarg vect_rotator: User-defined vector rotator function
:kwarg uv_field: Function where tidal transport will be interpolated.
:kwarg constituents: list of tidal constituents, e.g. ['M2', 'K1']
:kwarg boundary_ids: list of boundary_ids where tidal data will be
evaluated. If not defined, tides will be in evaluated in the entire
:kwarg data_dir: path to directory where tidal model netCDF files are
assert init_date.tzinfo is not None, 'init_date must have time zone information'
if constituents is None:
constituents = ['Q1', 'O1', 'P1', 'K1', 'N2', 'M2', 'S2', 'K2']
self.data_dir = data_dir if data_dir is not None else ''
if not self.compute_velocity and uv_field is not None:
warning('{:}: uv_field is defined but velocity computation is not supported. uv_field will be ignored.'.format(__class__.__name__))
self.compute_velocity = self.compute_velocity and uv_field is not None
# determine nodes at the boundary
self.elev_field = elev_field
self.uv_field = uv_field
function_space = elev_field.function_space()
if boundary_ids is None:
# interpolate in the whole domain
self.nodes = numpy.arange(self.elev_field.dat.data_with_halos.shape[0])
bc = DirichletBC(function_space, 0., boundary_ids)
self.nodes = bc.nodes
self._empty_set = self.nodes.size == 0
# construct local coordinates
on_sphere = function_space.mesh().geometric_dimension() == 3
if on_sphere:
x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(function_space.mesh())
fsx = Function(function_space).interpolate(x).dat.data_with_halos
fsy = Function(function_space).interpolate(y).dat.data_with_halos
fsz = Function(function_space).interpolate(z).dat.data_with_halos
coords = (fsx, fsy, fsz)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(function_space.mesh())
fsx = Function(function_space).interpolate(x).dat.data_with_halos
fsy = Function(function_space).interpolate(y).dat.data_with_halos
coords = (fsx, fsy)
lon, lat = coord_system.to_lonlat(*coords, positive_lon=True)
self.latlon = numpy.array([lat, lon]).T
if not self._empty_set:
# compute bounding box
bounds_lat = [self.latlon[:, 0].min(), self.latlon[:, 0].max()]
bounds_lon = [self.latlon[:, 1].min(), self.latlon[:, 1].max()]
if self.coord_layout == 'lon,lat':
self.ranges = (bounds_lon, bounds_lat)
self.ranges = (bounds_lat, bounds_lon)
self.tide = uptide.Tides(constituents)
if self.compute_velocity:
lat = self.latlon[:, 0]
lon = self.latlon[:, 1]
if vect_rotator is None:
self.vect_rotator = coord_system.get_vector_rotator(lon, lat)
self.vect_rotator = vect_rotator
def _create_readers(self, ):
"""Create uptide netcdf reader objects."""
def set_tidal_field(self, t):
elev_data = self.elev_field.dat.data_with_halos
if self.compute_velocity:
uv_data = self.uv_field.dat.data_with_halos
if self._empty_set:
if self.compute_velocity:
if self.compute_velocity:
lat_vel = numpy.zeros_like(elev_data)
lon_vel = numpy.zeros_like(elev_data)
for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
lat, lon = self.latlon[node, :]
point = (lon, lat) if self.coord_layout == 'lon,lat' else (lat, lon)
elev = self.tnci.get_val(point, allow_extrapolation=True)
elev_data[node] = elev
except uptide.netcdf_reader.CoordinateError:
elev_data[node] = 0.
if self.compute_velocity:
lon_vel[node] = self.tnciu.get_val(point, allow_extrapolation=True)
lat_vel[node] = self.tnciv.get_val(point, allow_extrapolation=True)
except uptide.netcdf_reader.CoordinateError:
uv_data[node, 0] = 0
uv_data[node, 1] = 0
if self.compute_velocity:
uv = self.vect_rotator(lon_vel, lat_vel)
uv_data[:, 0] = uv[0]
uv_data[:, 1] = uv[1]
class TPXOTidalBoundaryForcing(TidalBoundaryForcing):
Interpolator for TPXO global tidal model data.
See the `TPXO website <https://www.tpxo.net/global/tpxo9-atlas>`_ for data
access. By default, this routine assumes the `tpxo9v5a` data set in NetCDF
format. Other versions can be used by setting correct `elev_file`,
`uv_file`, and `grid_file` arguments.
coord_layout = 'lon,lat'
compute_velocity = True
def __init__(self, elev_field, init_date, coord_system,
vect_rotator=None, uv_field=None, constituents=None,
boundary_ids=None, data_dir=None, elev_file='h_tpxo9.v5a.nc',
uv_file='u_tpxo9.v5a.nc', grid_file='gridtpxo9v5a.nc'):
:arg elev_field: Function where tidal elevation will be interpolated.
:arg init_date: Datetime object defining the simulation init time.
:arg coord_system: :class:`CoordinateSystem` object
:kwarg vect_rotator: User-defined vector rotator function
:kwarg uv_field: Function where tidal transport will be interpolated.
:kwarg constituents: list of tidal constituents, e.g. ['M2', 'K1']
:kwarg boundary_ids: list of boundary_ids where tidal data will be
evaluated. If not defined, tides will be in evaluated in the entire
:kwarg data_dir: path to directory where tidal model netCDF files are
:kwarg elev_file: TPXO tidal elevation file
:kwarg uv_file: TPXO transport/velocity file
:kwarg grid_file: TPXO grid file
self.compute_velocity = uv_field is not None
self.elev_nc_file = elev_file
self.uv_nc_file = uv_file
self.grid_nc_file = grid_file
elev_field, init_date, coord_system,
vect_rotator=vect_rotator, uv_field=uv_field,
constituents=constituents, boundary_ids=boundary_ids,
def _create_readers(self, ):
"""Create uptide netcdf reader objects."""
msg = 'File {:} not found.'
f_grid = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.grid_nc_file)
assert os.path.exists(f_grid), msg.format(f_grid)
f_elev = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.elev_nc_file)
assert os.path.exists(f_elev), msg.format(f_elev)
self.tnci = uptide.tidal_netcdf.OTPSncTidalInterpolator(self.tide, f_grid, f_elev, ranges=self.ranges)
if self.uv_field is not None:
f_uv = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.uv_nc_file)
assert os.path.exists(f_uv), msg.format(f_uv)
self.tnciu = uptide.tidal_netcdf.OTPSncTidalComponentInterpolator(self.tide, f_grid, f_uv, 'u', 'u', ranges=self.ranges)
self.tnciv = uptide.tidal_netcdf.OTPSncTidalComponentInterpolator(self.tide, f_grid, f_uv, 'v', 'v', ranges=self.ranges)
class FES2004TidalBoundaryForcing(TidalBoundaryForcing):
"""Tidal boundary interpolator for FES2004 tidal model."""
elev_nc_file = 'tide.fes2004.nc'
uv_nc_file = None
grid_nc_file = None
coord_layout = 'lat,lon'
compute_velocity = False
def _create_readers(self, ):
"""Create uptide netcdf reader objects."""
f_elev = os.path.join(self.data_dir, self.elev_nc_file)
msg = 'File {:} not found, download it from \nftp://ftp.legos.obs-mip.fr/pub/soa/maree/tide_model/global_solution/fes2004/'.format(f_elev)
assert os.path.exists(f_elev), msg
self.tnci = uptide.tidal_netcdf.FESTidalInterpolator(self.tide, f_elev, ranges=self.ranges)