Source code for thetis.exner_eq

Exner equation

2D conservation of mass equation describing bed evolution due to sediment transport

The equation reads

.. math::
    \frac{\partial z_b}{\partial t} + (m/(1-p)) \nabla_h \cdot \textbf{Q_b}
    = (m/(1-p)) H ((F_{sink} S) - F_{source})
    :label: exner_eq

where :math:`z_b` is the bedlevel, :math:`S` is :math:`HT` for conservative (where H is depth
and T is the sediment field) and :math:`T` for non-conservative (where T is the sediment field),
:math:`\nabla_h` denotes horizontal gradient, :math:`m` is the morphological scale factor,
:math:`p` is the porosity and :math:`\textbf{Q_b}` is the bedload transport vector
from .utility import *
from .equation import Term, Equation

__all__ = [

[docs] class ExnerTerm(Term): """ Generic term in the Exner equations that provides commonly used members There are no boundary conditions for the Exner equation. """ def __init__(self, function_space, depth, sediment_model, depth_integrated_sediment=False): """ :arg function_space: :class:`FunctionSpace` where the solution belongs :arg depth: :class:`DepthExpression` containing depth info :arg sediment_model: :class:`SedimentModel` containing sediment info :kwarg bool depth_integrated_sediment: whether the sediment field is depth-integrated """ super(ExnerTerm, self).__init__(function_space) self.n = FacetNormal(self.mesh) self.depth = depth self.sediment_model = sediment_model # define measures with a reasonable quadrature degree p = self.function_space.ufl_element().degree() self.quad_degree = 2*p + 1 self.dx = dx(degree=self.quad_degree) self.dS = dS(degree=self.quad_degree) self.ds = ds(degree=self.quad_degree) self.depth_integrated_sediment = depth_integrated_sediment
[docs] class ExnerSourceTerm(ExnerTerm): r""" Source term accounting for suspended sediment transport The weak form reads .. math:: F_s = \int_\Omega (\sigma - sediment * \phi) * depth \psi dx where :math:`\sigma` is a user defined source scalar field :class:`Function` and :math:`\phi` is a user defined source scalar field :class:`Function`. """
[docs] def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): f = 0 sediment = fields.get('sediment') morfac = fields.get('morfac') porosity = fields.get('porosity') fac = Constant(morfac/(1.0-porosity)) H = self.depth.get_total_depth(fields_old['elev_2d']) erosion = self.sediment_model.get_erosion_term() deposition = self.sediment_model.get_deposition_coefficient() * sediment if self.depth_integrated_sediment: deposition = deposition/H f = self.test*fac*(erosion - deposition)*self.dx return f
[docs] class ExnerBedloadTerm(ExnerTerm): r""" Bedload transport term, \nabla_h \cdot \textbf{Q_b} The weak form is .. math:: \int_\Omega \nabla_h \cdot \textbf{Q_b} \psi dx = - \int_\Omega (\textbf{Q_b} \cdot \nabla) \psi dx + \int_\Gamma \psi \textbf{Q_b} \cdot \textbf{n} dS where :math:`\textbf{n}` is the unit normal of the element interfaces. """
[docs] def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): f = 0 qbx, qby = self.sediment_model.get_bedload_term(solution) morfac = fields.get('morfac') porosity = fields.get('porosity') fac = Constant(morfac/(1.0-porosity)) # bnd_conditions are the shallow water bcs, any boundary for which # nothing is specified is assumed closed for bnd_marker in (bnd_conditions or []): no_contr = False keys = [*bnd_conditions[bnd_marker].keys()] values = [*bnd_conditions[bnd_marker].values()] for i in range(len(keys)): if keys[i] not in ('elev', 'uv'): if float(values[i]) == 0.0: no_contr = True elif keys[i] == 'uv': if all(j == 0.0 for j in [float(j) for j in values[i]]): no_contr = True if not no_contr: f += -self.test*(fac*qbx*self.n[0] + fac*qby*self.n[1])*self.ds(bnd_marker) f += (fac*qbx*self.test.dx(0) + fac*qby*self.test.dx(1))*self.dx return -f
class ExnerSedimentSlideTerm(ExnerTerm): r""" Term which adds component to bedload transport to ensure the slope angle does not exceed a certain value """ def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): f = 0 diff_tensor = self.sediment_model.get_sediment_slide_term(solution) diff_flux = dot(diff_tensor, grad(-solution)) f += inner(grad(self.test), diff_flux)*dx f += -avg(self.sediment_model.sigma)*inner(jump(self.test, self.sediment_model.n), dot(avg(diff_tensor), jump(solution, self.sediment_model.n)))*dS f += -inner(avg(dot(diff_tensor, grad(self.test))), jump(solution, self.sediment_model.n))*dS f += -inner(jump(self.test, self.sediment_model.n), avg(dot(diff_tensor, grad(solution))))*dS return -f
[docs] class ExnerEquation(Equation): """ Exner equation 2D conservation of mass equation describing bed evolution due to sediment transport """ def __init__(self, function_space, depth, sediment_model, depth_integrated_sediment): """ :arg function_space: :class:`FunctionSpace` where the solution belongs :arg depth: :class: `DepthExpression` containing depth info :arg sediment_model: :class: `SedimentModel` containing sediment info :kwarg bool depth_integrated_sediment: whether to use conservative tracer """ super().__init__(function_space) if sediment_model is None: raise ValueError('To use the exner equation must define a sediment model') args = (function_space, depth, sediment_model, depth_integrated_sediment) if sediment_model.solve_suspended_sediment: self.add_term(ExnerSourceTerm(*args), 'source') if sediment_model.use_bedload: self.add_term(ExnerBedloadTerm(*args), 'implicit') if sediment_model.use_sediment_slide: self.add_term(ExnerSedimentSlideTerm(*args), 'implicit')