Source code for thetis.equation

Implements Equation and Term classes.

from .utility import *
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs] class Term(object): """ Implements a single term of an equation. .. note:: Sign convention: all terms are assumed to be on the right hand side of the equation: d(u)/dt = term. """ def __init__(self, function_space, test_function=None, trial_function=None): """ :arg function_space: the :class:`FunctionSpace` the solution belongs to :kwarg test_function: custom :class:`TestFunction`. :kwarg trial_function: custom :class:`TrialFunction`. """ # define bunch of members needed to construct forms self.function_space = function_space self.mesh = self.function_space.mesh() self.test = test_function or TestFunction(self.function_space) self.tri = trial_function or TrialFunction(self.function_space) self.normal = FacetNormal(self.mesh) # TODO construct them here from mesh ? self.boundary_markers = sorted(function_space.mesh().exterior_facets.unique_markers) self.boundary_len = function_space.mesh().boundary_len
[docs] def residual(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): """ Returns an UFL form of the term. :arg solution: solution :class:`.Function` of the corresponding equation :arg solution_old: a time lagged solution :class:`.Function` :arg fields: a dictionary that provides all the remaining fields that the term depends on. The keys of the dictionary should standard field names in `field_metadata` :arg fields_old: Time lagged dictionary of fields :arg bnd_conditions: A dictionary describing boundary conditions. E.g. {3: {'elev_2d': Constant(1.0)}} replaces elev_2d function by a constant on boundary ID 3. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the derived class')
[docs] def jacobian(self, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): """ Returns an UFL form of the Jacobian of the term. :arg solution: solution :class:`.Function` of the corresponding equation :arg solution_old: a time lagged solution :class:`.Function` :arg fields: a dictionary that provides all the remaining fields that the term depends on. The keys of the dictionary should standard field names in `field_metadata` :arg fields_old: Time lagged dictionary of fields :arg bnd_conditions: A dictionary describing boundary conditions. E.g. {3: {'elev_2d': Constant(1.0)}} replaces elev_2d function by a constant on boundary ID 3. """ # TODO default behavior: symbolic expression, or implement only if user-defined? raise NotImplementedError('Must be implemented in the derived class')
[docs] class Equation(object): """ Implements an equation, made out of terms. """ SUPPORTED_LABELS = frozenset(['source', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'nonlinear']) """ Valid labels for terms, indicating how they should be treated in the time integrator. source The term is a source term, i.e. does not depend on the solution. explicit The term should be treated explicitly implicit The term should be treated implicitly nonlinear The term is nonlinear and should be treated fully implicitly """ @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator("thetis.Equation.__init__") def __init__(self, function_space): """ :arg function_space: the :class:`FunctionSpace` the solution belongs to """ self.terms = OrderedDict() self.labels = {} self.function_space = function_space self.mesh = self.function_space.mesh() self.test = TestFunction(self.function_space) self.trial = TrialFunction(self.function_space) # mesh dependent variables self.normal = FacetNormal(self.mesh) = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh) self.e_x, self.e_y, self.e_y = unit_vectors(3)
[docs] def mass_term(self, solution): """ Returns default mass matrix term for the solution function space. :returns: UFL form of the mass term """ return inner(solution, self.test) * dx
[docs] def add_term(self, term, label, suffix=None): """ Adds a term in the equation :arg term: :class:`.Term` object to add_term :arg string label: Assign a label to the term. Valid labels are given by :attr:`.SUPPORTED_LABELS`. :arg suffix: optional custom key suffix """ key = term.__class__.__name__ if suffix is not None: key = '_'.join([key, suffix]) self.terms[key] = term self.label_term(key, label)
[docs] def label_term(self, term, label): """ Assings a label to the given term(s). :arg term: :class:`.Term` object, or a tuple of terms :arg label: string label to assign """ if isinstance(term, str): assert term in self.terms, 'Unknown term, add it to the equation' assert label in self.SUPPORTED_LABELS, 'bad label: {:}'.format(label) self.labels[term] = label else: for k in iter(term): self.label_term(k, label)
[docs] def select_terms(self, label): """ Generator function that selects terms by label(s). label can be a single label (e.g. 'explicit'), 'all' or a tuple of labels. """ if isinstance(label, str): if label == 'all': labels = self.SUPPORTED_LABELS else: labels = frozenset([label]) else: labels = frozenset(label) for key, value in self.terms.items(): if self.labels[key] in labels: yield value
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator("thetis.Equation.residual") def residual(self, label, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): """ Returns an UFL form of the residual by summing up all the terms with the desired label. Sign convention: all terms are assumed to be on the right hand side of the equation: d(u)/dt = term. :arg label: string defining the type of terms to sum up. Currently one of 'source'|'explicit'|'implicit'|'nonlinear'. Can be a list of multiple labels, or 'all' in which case all defined terms are summed. :arg solution: solution :class:`.Function` of the corresponding equation :arg solution_old: a time lagged solution :class:`.Function` :arg fields: a dictionary that provides all the remaining fields that the term depends on. The keys of the dictionary should standard field names in `field_metadata` :arg fields_old: Time lagged dictionary of fields :arg bnd_conditions: A dictionary describing boundary conditions. E.g. {3: {'elev_2d': Constant(1.0)}} replaces elev_2d function by a constant on boundary ID 3. """ f = 0 for term in self.select_terms(label): f += term.residual(solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions) return f
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator("thetis.Equation.jacobian") def jacobian(self, label, solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions): """ Returns an UFL form of the Jacobian by summing up all the Jacobians of the terms. Sign convention: all terms are assumed to be on the right hand side of the equation: d(u)/dt = term. :arg label: string defining the type of terms to sum up. Currently one of 'source'|'explicit'|'implicit'|'nonlinear'. Can be a list of multiple labels, or 'all' in which case all defined terms are summed. :arg solution: solution :class:`.Function` of the corresponding equation :arg solution_old: a time lagged solution :class:`.Function` :arg fields: a dictionary that provides all the remaining fields that the term depends on. The keys of the dictionary should standard field names in `field_metadata` :arg fields_old: Time lagged dictionary of fields :arg bnd_conditions: A dictionary describing boundary conditions. E.g. {3: {'elev_2d': Constant(1.0)}} replaces elev_2d function by a constant on boundary ID 3. """ f = 0 for term in self.select_terms(label): # FIXME check if jacobian exists? f += term.jacobian(solution, solution_old, fields, fields_old, bnd_conditions) return f