Source code for thetis.coordsys

Generic methods for converting data between different spatial coordinate systems.
Uses pyproj library.
import firedrake as fd
import pyproj
import numpy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

LL_WGS84 = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84', errcheck=True)

[docs] class CoordinateSystem(ABC): """ Base class for horizontal coordinate systems Provides methods for coordinate transformations etc. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_lonlat(self, x, y): """Convert coordinates to latitude and longitude""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_vector_rotator(self, x, y): """ Returns a vector rotator object. The rotator converst vector-valued data to/from longitude, latitude coordinates. """ pass
[docs] def proj_transform(x, y, trans): """ Transform coordinates from source to target system. :arg x,y: coordinates, float or numpy.array_like :kwarg trans: pyproj Transformer object """ x_is_array = isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray) y_is_array = isinstance(y, numpy.ndarray) numpy_inputs = x_is_array or y_is_array if numpy_inputs: assert x_is_array and y_is_array, 'both x and y must be numpy arrays' assert x.shape == y.shape, 'x and y must have same shape' # transform only non-nan entries as proj behavior can be erratic a = numpy.full_like(x, numpy.nan) b = numpy.full_like(y, numpy.nan) good_ix = numpy.logical_and(numpy.isfinite(x), numpy.isfinite(y)) a[good_ix], b[good_ix] = trans.transform(x[good_ix], y[good_ix]) else: a, b = trans.transform(x, y) return a, b
[docs] class UTMCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem): """ Represents Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate systems """ def __init__(self, utm_zone): self.proj_obj = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=utm_zone, datum='WGS84', units='m', errcheck=True) self.transformer_lonlat = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( self.proj_obj.srs, LL_WGS84.srs) self.transformer_xy = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs( LL_WGS84.srs, self.proj_obj.srs)
[docs] def to_lonlat(self, x, y, positive_lon=False): """ Convert (x, y) coordinates to (latitude, longitude) :arg x: x coordinate :arg y: y coordinate :type x: float or numpy.array_like :type y: float or numpy.array_like :kwarg positive_lon: should positive longitude be enforced? :return: longitude, latitude coordinates """ lon, lat = proj_transform(x, y, trans=self.transformer_lonlat) if positive_lon: lon = numpy.mod(lon, 360.0) return lon, lat
[docs] def to_xy(self, lon, lat): """ Convert (latitude, longitude) coordinates to (x, y) :arg lon: longitude coordinate :arg lat: latitude coordinate :type longitude: float or numpy.array_like :type latitude: float or numpy.array_like :return: x, y coordinates """ x, y = proj_transform(lon, lat, trans=self.transformer_xy) return x, y
[docs] def get_mesh_lonlat_function(self, mesh2d): """ Construct a :class:`Function` holding the mesh coordinates in longitude-latitude coordinates. :arg mesh2d: the 2D mesh """ dim = mesh2d.topological_dimension() if dim != 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected a mesh of dimension 2, not {dim}') if mesh2d.geometric_dimension() != 2: raise ValueError('Mesh must reside in 2-dimensional space') x = mesh2d.coordinates.dat.data_ro[:, 0] y = mesh2d.coordinates.dat.data_ro[:, 1] lon, lat = self.transformer_lonlat.transform(x, y) lonlat = fd.Function(mesh2d.coordinates.function_space())[:, 0] = lon[:, 1] = lat return lonlat
[docs] def get_vector_rotator(self, lon, lat): """ Returns a vector rotator object. The rotator converts vector-valued data from longitude, latitude coordinates to mesh coordinate system. """ return VectorCoordSysRotation(self.transformer_xy, lon, lat)
[docs] def get_vector_rotation_matrix(trans, x, y, delta=None): """ Estimate rotation matrix that converts vectors defined in source_sys to target_sys. Conversion is carried out by the given `trans` object. Assume that we have a vector field defined in source_sys: vectors located at (x, y) define the x and y components. We can then rotate the vectors to represent x2 and y2 components of the target_sys by applying a local rotation: .. code-block:: python trans = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(source_sys, target_sys) R, theta = get_vector_rotation_matrix(trans, x, y) v_xy = numpy.array([[v_x], [v_y]]) v_new = numpy.matmul(R, v_xy) v_x2, v_y2 = v_new """ if delta is None: delta = 1e-6 # ~1 m in LL_WGS84 x1, y1 = trans.transform(x, y) x2, y2 = trans.transform(x, y + delta) dxdl = (x2 - x1) / delta dydl = (y2 - y1) / delta theta = numpy.arctan2(-dxdl, dydl) c = numpy.cos(theta) s = numpy.sin(theta) R = numpy.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) return R, theta
[docs] class VectorCoordSysRotation(object): """ Rotates vectors defined in source_sys coordinates to a different coordinate system. """ def __init__(self, trans, x, y): """ :arg trans: pyproj.Transformer object, maps from source to destination system :arg x, y: coordinates in the source coordinate system """ R, theta = get_vector_rotation_matrix(trans, x, y) self.rotation_sin = numpy.sin(theta) self.rotation_cos = numpy.cos(theta) def __call__(self, v_x, v_y, i_node=None): """ Rotate vectors defined by the `v_x` and `v_y` components. :arg v_x, v_y: vector x, y components :kwarg ix_node: If not None, rotate the i-th vector instead of the whole array """ # | c -s | | v_x | # | s c | | v_y | f = [i_node] if i_node is not None else slice(None, None, None) u = v_x * self.rotation_cos[f] - v_y * self.rotation_sin[f] v = v_x * self.rotation_sin[f] + v_y * self.rotation_cos[f] return u, v