Source code for thetis.configuration

Utility function and extensions to traitlets used for specifying Thetis options
import textwrap
import traitlets
from textwrap import dedent
from traitlets.config.configurable import Configurable
from firedrake import Constant, Function
import datetime
import ufl

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty

[docs] def indent(s, nspaces): return textwrap.indent(s, ' ' * nspaces)
[docs] def rst_all_options(cls, nspace=0, prefix=None): """Recursively generate rST for a provided Configurable class. :arg cls: The Configurable class. :arg nspace: Indentation level. :arg prefix: Prefix to use for new traits.""" lines = [] classname = cls.__name__ # Slaved options don't appear directly, but underneath their controlling enum. slaved_options = set() for trait in cls.class_own_traits().values(): if isinstance(trait, PairedEnum): slaved_options.add(trait.paired_name) for k, trait in sorted(cls.class_own_traits(config=True).items()): typ = trait.__class__.__name__ if in slaved_options: continue _prefix = prefix if prefix is not None else classname termline = r"{prefix:}.\ **{suffix:}**".format(prefix=_prefix, if 'Enum' in typ: termline += ' : ' + '|'.join(repr(x) for x in trait.values) else: termline += ' : ' + typ lines.append(indent(termline, nspace)) if isinstance(trait, PairedEnum): # Find the slaved option and recurse to fill in the subtree. dvr = trait.default_value_repr() extra = ["", "Setting value implies configuration of sub-tree %s.%s:" % (classname, trait.paired_name), ""] for opt, val in trait.paired_defaults.items(): extra.append("'%s':" % opt) extra.append("") extra.append(rst_all_options(val, 4 + nspace, prefix=classname + "." + trait.paired_name)) extra = "\n".join(extra) else: extra = None try: dvr = trait.default_value_repr() except Exception: dvr = None help = if else 'No description' lines.append(indent(dedent(help), 4 + nspace)) lines.append('') lines.append(indent("Default:\n", 4 + nspace)) dvr = dvr or 'None' lines.append(indent(dvr.replace("\\n", "\\\\n"), 4 + nspace)) if extra is not None: lines.append(indent(extra, 4 + nspace)) lines.append('') return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] class PositiveInteger(traitlets.Integer):
[docs] def info(self): return u'a positive integer'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(PositiveInteger, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal > 0, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class PositiveFloat(traitlets.Float):
[docs] def info(self): return u'a positive float'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(PositiveFloat, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal > 0.0, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class NonNegativeInteger(traitlets.Integer):
[docs] def info(self): return u'a non-negative integer'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(NonNegativeInteger, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal >= 0, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class NonNegativeFloat(traitlets.Float):
[docs] def info(self): return u'a non-negative float'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(NonNegativeFloat, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal >= 0.0, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class BoundedInteger(traitlets.Integer): def __init__(self, default_value=traitlets.Undefined, bounds=None, **kwargs): super(BoundedInteger, self).__init__(default_value, **kwargs) self.minval = bounds[0] self.maxval = bounds[1]
[docs] def info(self): return u'an integer between {:} and {:}'.format(self.minval, self.maxval)
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(BoundedInteger, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal >= self.minval, self.error(obj, proposal) assert proposal <= self.maxval, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class BoundedFloat(traitlets.Float): def __init__(self, default_value=traitlets.Undefined, bounds=None, **kwargs): self.minval = bounds[0] self.maxval = bounds[1] super(BoundedFloat, self).__init__(default_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def info(self): return u'a float between {:} and {:}'.format(self.minval, self.maxval)
[docs] def validate(self, obj, proposal): super(BoundedFloat, self).validate(obj, proposal) assert proposal >= self.minval, self.error(obj, proposal) assert proposal <= self.maxval, self.error(obj, proposal) return proposal
[docs] class FiredrakeConstantTraitlet(traitlets.TraitType): default_value = None info_text = 'a Firedrake Constant'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, Constant): return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] def default_value_repr(self): return 'Constant({:})'.format(float(self.default_value))
[docs] class FiredrakeCoefficient(traitlets.TraitType): default_value = None info_text = 'a Firedrake Constant or Function'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, (Constant, Function)): return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] def default_value_repr(self): if isinstance(self.default_value, Constant): return 'Constant({:})'.format(float(self.default_value)) return 'Function'
[docs] class FiredrakeScalarExpression(traitlets.TraitType): default_value = None info_text = 'a scalar UFL expression'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if (isinstance(value, ufl.core.expr.Expr) and ufl.checks.is_ufl_scalar(value)): return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] def default_value_repr(self): if isinstance(self.default_value, Constant): return 'Constant({:})'.format(float(self.default_value)) if isinstance(self.default_value, Function): return 'Function' return 'UFL scalar expression'
[docs] class FiredrakeVectorExpression(traitlets.TraitType): default_value = None info_text = 'a vector UFL expression'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if (isinstance(value, ufl.core.expr.Expr) and not ufl.checks.is_ufl_scalar(value)): return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] def default_value_repr(self): if isinstance(self.default_value, Constant): return 'Constant({:})'.format(float(self.default_value)) if isinstance(self.default_value, Function): return 'Function' return 'UFL vector expression'
[docs] class DatetimeTraitlet(traitlets.TraitType): default_value = None info_text = 'a timezone-aware datetime object'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and value.tzinfo is not None: return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] class PETScSolverParameters(traitlets.Dict): """PETSc solver options dictionary""" info_text = 'a PETSc solver options dictionary'
[docs] def validate(self, obj, value): if isinstance(value, dict): return value self.error(obj, value)
[docs] class PairedEnum(traitlets.Enum): """A enum whose value must be in a given sequence. This enum controls a slaved option, with default values provided here. :arg values: iterable of (value, HasTraits class) pairs. The HasTraits class will be called (with no arguments) to create default values if necessary. :arg paired_name: trait name this enum is paired with. :arg default_value: default value. """ def __init__(self, values, paired_name, default_value=traitlets.Undefined, **kwargs): self.paired_defaults = dict(values) self.paired_name = paired_name values, _ = zip(*values) super(PairedEnum, self).__init__(values, default_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def info(self): result = "This option also requires configuration of %s\n" % (self.paired_name) return result + super(PairedEnum, self).info()
[docs] class OptionsBase: """Abstract base class for all options classes""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractproperty def name(self): """Human readable name of the configurable object""" pass
[docs] def update(self, options): """ Assign options from another container :arg options: Either a dictionary of options or another HasTraits object """ if isinstance(options, dict): params_dict = options else: assert isinstance(options, traitlets.HasTraits), 'options must be a dict or HasTraits object' params_dict = options._trait_values for key in params_dict: self.__setattr__(key, params_dict[key])
def __str__(self): """Returs a summary of all defined parameters and their values in a string""" output = '{:} parameters\n'.format( params_dict = self._trait_values for k in sorted(params_dict.keys()): output += ' {:16s} : {:}\n'.format(k, params_dict[k]) return output
# HasTraits and Configurable (and all their subclasses) have MetaHasTraits as their metaclass # to subclass from HasTraits and another class with ABCMeta as its metaclass, we need a combined # meta class that sub(meta)classes from ABCMeta and MetaHasTraits
[docs] class ABCMetaHasTraits(ABCMeta, traitlets.MetaHasTraits): """Combined metaclass of ABCMeta and MetaHasTraits""" pass
[docs] class FrozenHasTraits(OptionsBase, traitlets.HasTraits): __metaclass__ = ABCMetaHasTraits """ A HasTraits class that only allows adding new attributes in the class definition or when self._isfrozen is False. """ _isfrozen = False _unfreezedepth = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FrozenHasTraits, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._isfrozen = True def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self._isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError('Adding new attribute "{:}" to {:} class is forbidden'.format(key, self.__class__.__name__)) super(FrozenHasTraits, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] class FrozenConfigurable(OptionsBase, Configurable): """ A Configurable class that only allows adding new attributes in the class definition or when self._isfrozen is False. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMetaHasTraits _unfreezedepth = 0 _isfrozen = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FrozenConfigurable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._isfrozen = True def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self._isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError('Adding new attribute "{:}" to {:} class is forbidden'.format(key, self.__class__.__name__)) super(FrozenConfigurable, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def attach_paired_options(name, name_trait, value_trait): """Attach paired options to a Configurable object. :arg name: the name of the enum trait :arg name_trait: the enum trait (a PairedEnum) :arg value_trait: the slaved value trait.""" def _observer(self, change): "Observer called when the choice option is updated." setattr(self, name_trait.paired_name, name_trait.paired_defaults[change["new"]]()) def _default(self): "Dynamic default value setter" if hasattr(name_trait, 'default_value') and name_trait.default_value is not None: return name_trait.paired_defaults[name_trait.default_value]() obs_handler = traitlets.observe(name, type="change") def_handler = traitlets.default(name_trait.paired_name) def update_class(cls): "Programmatically update the class" # Set the new class attributes setattr(cls, name, name_trait) setattr(cls, name_trait.paired_name, value_trait) setattr(cls, "_%s_observer" % name, obs_handler(_observer)) setattr(cls, "_%s_default" % name_trait.paired_name, def_handler(_default)) # Mimic the magic metaclass voodoo. name_trait.class_init(cls, name) value_trait.class_init(cls, name_trait.paired_name) obs_handler.class_init(cls, "_%s_observer" % name) def_handler.class_init(cls, "_%s_default" % name_trait.paired_name) cls.setup_class(cls.__dict__) return cls return update_class